Metal is the Key to Profit

In the past few months that I’ve been investing, I’ve learned a lot. I went in knowing essentially nothing, but experience and some tips have helped me out. I began with some smaller investments to get my feet wet, and then transitioned to copper shares UK for more money. The copper shares have resulted in a lot of money for me. The miners who work to extract copper from the Earth have put in a lot of work and are great at finding large amounts of the metal. Since copper is in demand, the shares can net a good profit.

I didn’t stop with the copper shares. I also looked into shares around other metals that were being mined for profit. Things like iron, aluminium, and gold are usually what people look for when they’re mining, because these metals are used in a lot of things, even some things that we don’t even realize. Continue reading Metal is the Key to Profit

Like copy pasting CODE ROBBER TCS employees, NTRO MEMORY ROBBER employees copy paste engineers memory on call girl, robber , fraud R&AW/cbi employees

In the United states, TCS faces million dollar lawsuits for ROBBING and copy pasting code, in India NTRO led by the brahmin mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, hathwar kodancha d, parmar, parekh nikhil sha, patel proudly boasts of copy pasting ROBBED memory of a private citizen on their favorite google, tata supplied call girls, school dropouts, robbers and cheaters RAW/cbi employees reflecting the fact that TRADE SECRET ROBBERY is indian government policy and the lack of human rights in India in 2019

It is difficult to prevent trade secret theft in India, because the indian government especially NTRO is openly involved in the trade secret theft of small business owners especially indian paypal account holders without a legally valid reason making fake excuses of national security since 2010 in one of the worst cases of human rights abuses in history. NTRO ROBBERS then falsely claim that the robbed memory of a private citizen belongs to the call girl, fraud raw/cbi employees while criminally defaming the engineer whose memory is being robbed .

In the United states, TCS is facing a second case of trade secret theft because the the CODE ROBBER TCS employees who did not want to spend their time and money in developing the source code required, they simply copy pasted it from the code available to them. In exactly a similar manner, the NTRO employees are aware of the fact that their favorite SEX service providers sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,gujju school dropout naina chandan, robber housewives riddhi nayak caro, veena, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel and other raw/cbi employees are not investing any money on domain names, not spending any time on the computer, yet falsely claiming that the robbed MEMORY of a private citizen belong to the ROBBER raw/cbi employees to pay them a monthly salary

Similarly, since 2010, NTRO is ROBBING the TRADE SECRETS of small business owners, especially in the indian internet sector, without a legally valid reason using brainwave reading technology or MEMORY ROBBERY. Then like the CODE ROBBER TCS employees these robber NTRO employees are copy pasting the ROBBED the robbed memory of private citizens on their lazy greedy inexperienced call girl, robber, cheater, school dropout girlfriends and other frauds to get them permanent raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the business owner whose MEMORY they ROBBED

Then in a major indian government fraud, the indian government, NTRO, raw, cbi are falsely claiming that the ROBBED MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS belongs to their lazy greedy inexperienced fraud employees when just like CODE ROBBER TCS employees the raw/cbi employees like goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi caro nayak, gujju school dropout naina chandan, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar have not spend any time, money and resources on getting the information which the domain investor small business owner has, they have only had their powerful boyfriends and sugar daddies in NTRO ROB,COPY PASTE the memory of a small business owner without a legally valid reason for more than 9 years.

It is due to the brazen indian government TRADE SECRET ROBBBERY of small business owners, that few jobs are being created, it is very risky to start a business in india, there is no one to protect the rights of business owners. Any activist or lawyer who wishes to end the government robbery and get compensation for the victims just like the CSC, Epic systems in the United states, please contact, leave a comment below.

NTRO employees FAKE HELP to criminally defame, rob domain investor

One of the greatest frauds in the indian internet sector is how ntro employees are cancelling all the ads on the websites of a domain investor, falsely claiming without any proof at all that she has committed crimes, when they are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her since 2010, since they cannot provide any proof that she has committed any kind of crime, violated any law

Instead these fraud liar ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, fraud companies google, tata are involved in a massive online, banking fraud, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced call girl, cheater, robber girlfriends and relatives who do no computer work at all, own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor to get all their girlfriends monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any computer work, without investing any money online at all.

Legally unless proof is provided,a person is considered innocent unless proved guilty, the person making the allegations against a person like the domain investor, engineer should provide proof within a few months or years or else he is a LIAR defaming the innocent person, and the person being defamed has the right to take legal action against the person making fake allegations without any proof at all, also file a criminal case

When the ntro employees making the fake allegations do not have the courage, honesty and humanity to contact the domain investor and provide the proof against her, so that she can defend herself, on what basis are they repeating their complete lies.

Top LIAR ntro, security agency employees involved in PHOTOSHOPPED VIDEOS fraud on woman domain investor to get their lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends raw/cbi jobs

One of the greatest rackets of the indian government which is mastermined by the fraud companies like google, tata is how indian taxpayer money is being wasted by corrupt fraud officials for Defaming and making, circulating defamatory videos of hardworking women investors used by fraud officials like caro, mandrekar, nayak, nikhil sha, parmar, parekh,chodankar to get monthly raw/cbi salaries for their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre wives , relatives and friends without doing any work at all, without investing any money
These fraud officials like mandrekar, caro, nayak, nikhil sha are aware of the fact that their lazy greedy relatives and friends like the panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi caro are too lazy and mediocre to do any work, take the risk of investing any money online

So these fraud officials are involved in a massive racket of making and circulating defamatory videos of the hardworking woman domain investor,a private citizen to defame her without any legally valid reason and then falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud wives, relatives and sex service providers, who do not spend any money on the domains , own the domains, to get all these frauds raw/cbi jobs with a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

It is a massive financial fraud of the indian government that corrupt fraud offiicals like caro, nikhil sha, parekh, parmar are allowed to waste indian taxpayer money to make and circulate PHOTOSHOPPED MANIPULATED videos of a harmless single woman domain investor to defame her, and get raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary for their lazy greedy mediocre fraud relatives, friends faking domain ownership

The domains are listed for sale, yet the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees do not wish to pay the market price and purchase the domain names, yet fake domain ownership to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor

Though bank details, income tax returns expose the ntro banking fraud, website remains blocked in August 2018

In August 2018, all the 10 google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan call, school dropout, cheater housewife, document robber and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree and falsely claiming to own this website without paying any expenses, would have filed their income tax returns, specifying the details of their bank account.
So if NTRO, raw, cbi had any common sense, professionalism and honesty, it is very easy to prove that NTRO is involved in a major banking fraud since 2010, falsely claiming that the relatives and friends of the top ntro employees, who do not spend any money online, and do not do any work online, own the bank account, investment of the real domain investor, google competitor, who is paying all the expenses, and getting nothing
Instead NTRO and the indian government continues to block this website, It is completed blocked using BSNL ISP, the website does not even resolve in the browser
For other ISPs it is giving the error
“ Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India ”
However the website exposing corruption, nepotism, casting couch in indian intelligence and security agencies is accessible worldwide, indicating that indian government is one of the worst in silencing whistleblowers

Website remains blocked in July 2018

The website remains blocked in India is July 2018 for exposing NTRO’ sex, bribery racket, banking fraud
It is completed blocked using BSNL ISP, the website does not even resolve in the browser
For other ISPs it is giving the error
“ Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India ”
However, the website exposing corruption, nepotism, casting couch in indian intelligence and security agencies is accessible worldwide, indicating that indian government is worse than china is suppressing whistleblowers.
This makes updating the website a major challenge

The Kings New clothes and R&AW, cbi, the indian government in 2018

Usually schoolchildren are told the story of the Kings new clothes (Emperors new clothes depending on the version ) by the Danish story teller Hans christian Andersen, where everyone is so frightened of the king, that no one has the courage to tell him the truth, finally a child blurts out the truth and the king realizes that he has been fooled by sweet talking conmen who were aware of his weakness for clothes, and the fact that he had no one honest enough to tell him the truth. Unlike the king or emperor who realized he has been fooled, the indian government refuses to realize that google, tata have fooled it since 2010

In 2018, india is run in exactly the same fashion as the king in the short story, everyone is so frightened of the security and intelligence agencies that no one has the courage to tell the truth . India is the only country in the world that falsely claims that google,tata supplied goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds who do not make a single penny from exports, are exporters , online experts, domain investors to get them raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of exporters . Any complain about the financial fraud is falsely labelled a security threat and being unpatriotic.

Just like the smart conmen got a lot of money from the king, selling him non existent clothes with their sweet talk, google, tata employees are like the smart conmen selling goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds to the indian government , which hires them as online experts, domain investors, exporters when actually these women are not making any money online at all, are not exporters and are not domain investors

The google, tata, ntro employees are the 2018 version of the conmen selling air as very expensive clothes, promoting goan sex workers and other frauds like shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, who have no online experience , skills, investment as online experts, exporters and domain investors , so that these women get raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary without doing any work,without investing any money, exactly like the conmen got money without selling any clothes.

Like the emperor who was parading before people without clothes, in real life in 2018 the indian government is also parading itself worldwide without any clothes, making a fool of itself with fake claims of domain ownership, online work, because there is no one honest enough to tell the government the truth about domain , paypal, bank account ownership, online work, and exports online

Instead of labelling this article as proof of the investor being a security threat, the officials involved should introspect as the rupee crashes against the US$

Google involved in theft of memory, resume, savings of competitor worth more Rs 5 crore with the help of fraud NTRO employees faking help

Benefit from fantastic savings on bóng đá trực tiếp , just by taking a look at

Along with tata, the sundar pichai led Google is involved involved in theft of memory, resume, savings of competitor worth more Rs 5 crore with the help of fraud NTRO employees faking help . The google competitor competing with google adwords , who is india’s largest female domain investor had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, yet because of the fraud ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet, vijay parmar, patel, who are faking help, friendship she has been subjected to memory, savings, correspondence and resume theft without a legally valid reason, causing great financial losses as she is forced to work as a slave without making any more

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and almost no indian citizen is subjected to memory, savings, correspondence and resume theft without a legally valid reason, other than the google competitor becauuse the fraud ntro employees led by puneet are faking help and friendship for her, when they actually HATE HER.The google competitor has invested crores of rupees in domain names, webhosting and other IT products , yet google, tata have brutally exploited her to supply goan call girl R&AW employee slim goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar to top government employees for SEX, get bribes from frauds like indore crook veena and R&AW/cbi jobs for relatives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak of top indian government employees with the stolen resume, savings of the google competitor . These companies are not spending any money on research, yet getting free access to all the research of a person who has spent crores of her hard earned money for research

When pravin mahajan killed his brother the bjp leader pramod mahajan, a brahmin, pravin mahajan was jailed for his crime,. however when indore housewife bespectacled veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone, stole the documents of the google competitor, google, tata, rewarded the indore crook for her crime under section 378 of the indian penal code with a R&AW job so that no action could be taken against her. Now though the indore R&AW employee document robber veena is only looking after her house and family in indore, the indian government is paying her a monthly salary falsely claiming that she has the resume, investment of her crime victim
So when non brahmins commit a crime on their relatives, indian government rewards them with R&AW jobs falsely claiming that they have the resume, investment of their victims in another example of brahmin atrocities,hypocrisy

In the colors serial bepanah, puja hooda has an extra marital affair with yash arora, transferring Rs 5 crore of her husbands money to her lover. Yet she is able to hide her affair so well, faking her relationship with her husband and other family members that no one including her mother, husband, in laws suspect her in any way at all.

Only when she is found dead , hand in hand with her lover yash arora in a so called accident, that the affair is revealed, shocking her husband who is very angry, mother and rest of her family . Puja Hooda’s very angry husband then attempts to recover his money Rs 5 crore she has given to Yash Arora from yash arora’s wife, zoya arora,which is now the main theme of the serial.Puja Hooda probably did not reveal the relationship to her husband and his family, because her husband and his family was very wealthy and powerful, unlike her lover who was looking for funds .

In an exactly similar manner, power brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, (and j srinivasan, vijay) are just like puja hooda faking their relationship with their btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman engineer, faking friendship, falsely claiming to be well wishers , when actually they are having a passionate extra marital affair with other married women, who do not have an impressive resumes, investment, skills of their classmate.

Just like puja hooda in the serial., the powerful fraud ntro employees led by puneet are faking the relationship with their female engineering classmate who they actually hate, so that they can steal her impressive resume, savings, correspondence and memory which is worth Rs 5 crore or more for their real girlfriends who they have got R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume, savings of their engineering classmate. They are also shamelessly misusing their classmates name, so that their lazy greedy girlfriends like nayanshree hathwar,riddhi nayak, naina,veena, sunaina, siddhi who do not spend any time online, are getting credit and a monthly government salary.

If these ntro employees were honest that they hated their btech 1993 ee classmate, their peers or rivals or bosses would tell them to leave her alone, as she is a private citizen, with no powers, has the same rights as other indian citizens and she is not interfering in their life in any way. So since 2010, in a google, tata masterminded online financial fraud , the brahmin fraud ntro employees puneet,j srinivasan, vijay, and others are faking their relationship, so that they can stealing her savings, memory, resume, correspondence which worth more than Rs 5 crore for companies like google, tata who do not have to invest any money.

It is time that the indian and goan government, ntro, cbi, raw realize that there is no personal or professional relationship, and the ntro employees are worse than puja hooda who takes Rs 5 crore from her husband to give to her lover, with her husbands permission, the ntro employees are outright robbers stealing everything from their classmate using the most hitech methods available in India.

Fraud powerful NTRO employees are like puja hooda in the serial bepanah, stealing their engineering classmates resume, savings worth Rs 5 crore for their real girlfriends

Indian inteligence agencies like R&AW are not respected worldwide because they lack intelligence and are involved in great frauds like falsely claiming that their mediocre inexperienced girlfriends with whom they are having extra marital affairs , were their engineering classmates to get their girlfriends, raw/cbi jobs at the expense of their real engineering classmate

The indian intelligence agencies are lacking in intelligence that they cannot even verify the resume, investment of their employees who they are paying a monthly salary, giving great powers, blindly believe the lies of powerful fraud ntro employees.In the colors serial Bepanah, puja hooda asks her husband for Rs 5 crore to give her real lover, boyfriend yash arora who she really loves. At least puja hooda asks her husband for his permission, the ntro employees have stolen the savings, resume, without their classmates permission.

Similarly the brahmin fraud ntro employee puneet, made a big tamasha, acted well to dupe people, the government, companies, that he was a friend and well wisher of his btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman bhandari engineer, so that he could steal the impressive resume, savings of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he hated, misuse her name and get his real girlfriend shivalli brahmin nayanshree hathwar a R&AW job with monthly salary, without doing any work , without investing any money online.

For years, the brahmin fraud puneet duped people with his fake stories,so that he could steal his classmates resume, savings which is worth Rs 5 crore or more,and encouraged others like j srinivasan, vijay,parmar, patel to do the same to get their girlfriends like goan bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, riddhi nayak, naina, asmita patel, veena, siddhi and others R&AW/cbi jobs

Google,tata, NTRO, R&AW,cbi’s financial, resume theft fraud on single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor

Why do google, tata refuse to purchase domain names legally for their favorite sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees in 10 year old online fraud

Google, tata will soon announce their financial results and these companies will again make millions of dollars in profit. However the indian mainstream media refuses to cover the SEX, bribery racket, financial fraud these companies are involved in, cheating, exploiting indian domain investors to supply goan sex workers, get bribes, jobs for relatives of top indian intelligence and security agency employees like hathwar, kodancha, parmar, nayak, caro,mandrekar, pritesh chodan

India and china have hostile relations , yet unlike the shameless fraud ntro, raw, cbi employees the chinese are honest enough to pay the market price of domain names and get them legally transferred to their name, However the google, tata employees who involved in a major sex, bribery racket, financial fraud since 2010 on the domain investor are refusing to pay the market price of domain names, yet falsely claim that their favorite goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees , who do not spend any money on domain , own the domain names to get all these frauds a monthly salary, great powers at the expense of the domain investor.

The google competitor, domain investor has never asked these 10 google, tata supplied goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees for any help at any stage, however the ntro employees led by the fraud puneet, are falsely claiming to help (when actually they are doing everything to cause losses), and then falsely claiming that these goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees like nayanshree hathwar, sunaina, veena, ridddhi, siddhi, who do not spend any money on domain names , own the domain names of a private citizen to deny the domain investor, the income and opportunities she deserved

The ntro employees are very status conscious and consider the domain investor to be a very low status person, so why are they interfering in her life of the domain investor, falsely claiming to help her, to get their favorite goan sex worker, fraud R&AW/cbi employees a monthly salary, great powers at the expense of the domain investor. These fraud ntro employees led by puneet, j srinivasan should use real resume, investment of their high status good looking lazy greeddy mediocre fraudd girlfriends, relatives

The domain investor is also very sure that none of the fraud government employees or anyone else will file a case against her, as indian citizens have the freedom of speech, the right to justice, so she does not require any help at all from the section 420 fraud ntro employees who are falsely claiming to help her, and the 10 google,tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud sex worker, cheater housewife and fraud R&AW/cbi employees who are falsely claiming to have the resume, including btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of the engineer .

Just because ntro employees are involved in a major financial, medical fraud, sexual harassment, falsely claiming that goan call girls and other frauds were their btech 1993 ee classmate, why is the indian and goan government blindly believing the lies of these shameless powerful fraud ntro employees who actually hate their btech 1993 ee classmate, have defamed her without any proof at all, sexually harassed, cheated and exploited her

Any tips to make these powerful fraud ntro employees stop interfering and honestly admit that their real girlfriends are only call girls,cheater housewives and frauds , not domain investors or experienced engineers will be greatly appreciated