The news has been published to show how widespread sexual exploitation of women remains in the tech sector. While the damage caused by private citizens like Mahesh Murthy remains limited , the real damage is caused by the extremely powerful intelligence and security agency officials who are quick to label a woman a security threat to sexually harass,exploit her , if she does not offer sexual favors, and reward women who sleep or seduce them with R&AW/intelligence agency jobs faking their resume, investment. Top officials are allegedly falsely claiming that their lazy greedy goan sex partners, siddhi mandrekar, obc bhandari fraud slim bsc sunaina , goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, and others own this website to give them great powers, when these women do not spend any money on the website expenses or do any work online.
Nextbigwhat carried a story on the alleged misconduct of Mahesh Murthy, the founder of Pinstorm and a high profile name in the indian internet sector, doing a lot of business with Google. The link to initial story of women allegedly accusing him of sexual harassment was allegedly removed due to his clout, however the comments on the article are indicative of the widespread sexual harassment of women in the indian tech sector,
Janaki who has posted comments that he is notorious for sexually exploiting women and there are many women who have been exploited when they approached him for help .
May 11, 2016 at 7:18 PM
Oh come on. MM has had a reputation for his sexually perverse behaviour for years. He is predatory and creepy towards most women and that’s saying it with respect! Almost everyone knows his tactics of chatting up women – the younger and more vulnerable or in need, the better, to try and get them to give him sexual favours. He is a narcissistic poseur and uses his wealth and business/PR clout to prey on unsuspecting women. He has sexually used and discarded more women over the course of the last two decades than anyone could count. To the disbelievers and blinded bhakts of his: there is no smoke without fire. In this case, a whole forest fire.
May 13, 2016 at 1:59 PM
I know for a fact that Mr. Beer-and-More was very hands on with one other woman founder. She made the mistake of going over to his house. Dear Mr. Editor- ask Mr.Beer-and-More what he thinks of women-only travel startups. That should jog his memory.
May 11, 2016 at 7:39 PM
Thank you for saying this! Being from the start up ecosystem myself I have heard first hand accounts from women who have experienced similar and worse creepy bheaviour from this man and others like him. If you thought Tejpal or Pachauri are creeps you haven’t quite experienced the Mahesh Murthy brand of creepiness yet. He has just not been caught yet. Only a matter of time.
May 12, 2016 at 10:11 AM
Grow up! Mahesh Murthy has behaved this way of lot of women. Before taking his side think if you would have done the same if she was your sister/wife!
May 11, 2016 at 7:59 PM
Oh ! I was shocked at his advances last year. Had approached him with great hopes of getting good advices and mentorship, but was instead abused and made fool of. He should apologise to all.
Compared to men, most women are not well networked and do not realize the reputation of powerful men, till it is too late.Powerful men use and discard women as they feel like and most women do not fight back. Another person Alok has also been commenting on his reputation among women, that he will sexually exploit women who make the mistake of trusting him.
The screenshot of his conversation with Supriya Sahoo who was looking for money, is also an indication of the lack of professionalism and attitude towards women. If a woman will not flirt with powerful men and sleep with them, these powerful men in the tech, internet sector will label them as “auntie” to taunt them that they are extremely unattractive . Mahesh Murthy was offering her “beer and more” if she came to his house, where “more” can be imagined. Another person has commented on a woman founder who made the mistake of meeting Mahesh Murthy at his home
In large indian companies, especially private, sexually harassment remains limited due to the negative publicity. However women business owners especially in the tech sector, face a lot of sexual harasssment, often for years. There are large companies also involved, with Google, Tata allegedly falsely claiming that the sex bribe giving girlfriends of top officials slim goan obc bhandari bsc sunaina, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, flirts goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, asmita patel and others own this website, when these women do not spend any money on the website expenses or do any work at all. The entire incident shows google’s tolerance of sexual exploitation of women.
Women entrepreneurs without a mentor face a lot of harassment, are unfairly defamed, are denied important information, yet if they try to get a mentor they are often sexually exploited. It is time that the sexual exploitation of women in the tech and internet sector are openly discussed, officials are named so that they do not exploit vulnerable women,and also ensure that women who leave secure jobs are aware of the business conditions in India. Today the domain investor finds that all her correspondence is diverted to the mediocre women impersonating her, because these women seduced powerful men.
If you are a woman entrepreneur, especially in the tech or internet sector who has faced any kind of sexual harassment, please send your story to The large indian websites, which are mainly male owned, may not be willing to carry the news, women publishers who have battled endless sexual harassment for years, will be happy to help.