Allegedly BRIBED by TATA, GOOGLE, to defame, deny opportunities to a single woman obc engineer, domain investor and Paypal account holder, shameless fraud R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials are falsely claiming that the indore housewife veena owns domain names, including this one to justify the lucrative salary, great powers that the indore housewife veena has got,allegedly in R&AW.
These shameless fraud R&AW, CBI officials have zero personal or professional integrity and also falsely claim that the indore housewife veena owns the Paypal account of the obc single woman engineer ,when in reality the mediocre indore housewife veena does not spend a single rupee on domain names, control them or control the Paypal account. The indore housewife veena does not anything much about domain names or use the internet regularly, yet powerful R&AW, CBI , tata officials are extremely ruthless in defaming the single woman obc engineer, so that she does not get credit for the work she does or money she spends
However the all powerful indian intelligence agency officials are like call girls working for corporates like google, tata and refuse to admit their mistake, or end their lies, defaming the obc single woman engineer, investor or Paypal account holder for more than 5 years. So hoping to end the wastage of tax payer money on housewives and defamation, the obc domain investor will periodically warn indian and other internet users about the great fraud of shameless liar cbi, ntro, R&AW, google,tata officials.
The obc single woman domain investor is confident that no R&AW, CBI employee will have the honesty, courage to defend their lies in an open debate, so it is advisable to publish the news of the fraud indore housewife who officials falsely claim is a domain investor and paypal account holder on all the websites which R&AW, CBI, NTRO falsely claim the indore housewife veena owns so that people are not duped.