Mahesh Murthy, sexual harassment, exploitation of women in the tech sector

The news has been published to show how widespread sexual exploitation of women remains in the tech sector. While the damage caused by private citizens like Mahesh Murthy remains limited , the real damage is caused by the extremely powerful intelligence and security agency officials who are quick to label a woman a security threat to sexually harass,exploit her , if she does not offer sexual favors, and reward women who sleep or seduce them with R&AW/intelligence agency jobs faking their resume, investment. Top officials are allegedly falsely claiming that their lazy greedy goan sex partners, siddhi mandrekar, obc bhandari fraud slim bsc sunaina , goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, and others own this website to give them great powers, when these women do not spend any money on the website expenses or do any work online.

Nextbigwhat carried a story on the alleged misconduct of Mahesh Murthy, the founder of Pinstorm and a high profile name in the indian internet sector, doing a lot of business with Google. The link to initial story of women allegedly accusing him of sexual harassment was allegedly removed due to his clout, however the comments on the article are indicative of the widespread sexual harassment of women in the indian tech sector,
Janaki who has posted comments that he is notorious for sexually exploiting women and there are many women who have been exploited when they approached him for help .

May 11, 2016 at 7:18 PM
Oh come on. MM has had a reputation for his sexually perverse behaviour for years. He is predatory and creepy towards most women and that’s saying it with respect! Almost everyone knows his tactics of chatting up women – the younger and more vulnerable or in need, the better, to try and get them to give him sexual favours. He is a narcissistic poseur and uses his wealth and business/PR clout to prey on unsuspecting women. He has sexually used and discarded more women over the course of the last two decades than anyone could count. To the disbelievers and blinded bhakts of his: there is no smoke without fire. In this case, a whole forest fire.


May 13, 2016 at 1:59 PM
I know for a fact that Mr. Beer-and-More was very hands on with one other woman founder. She made the mistake of going over to his house. Dear Mr. Editor- ask Mr.Beer-and-More what he thinks of women-only travel startups. That should jog his memory.

May 11, 2016 at 7:39 PM
Thank you for saying this! Being from the start up ecosystem myself I have heard first hand accounts from women who have experienced similar and worse creepy bheaviour from this man and others like him. If you thought Tejpal or Pachauri are creeps you haven’t quite experienced the Mahesh Murthy brand of creepiness yet. He has just not been caught yet. Only a matter of time.

May 12, 2016 at 10:11 AM
Grow up! Mahesh Murthy has behaved this way of lot of women. Before taking his side think if you would have done the same if she was your sister/wife!

May 11, 2016 at 7:59 PM
Oh ! I was shocked at his advances last year. Had approached him with great hopes of getting good advices and mentorship, but was instead abused and made fool of. He should apologise to all.


Compared to men, most women are not well networked and do not realize the reputation of powerful men, till it is too late.Powerful men use and discard women as they feel like and most women do not fight back. Another person Alok has also been commenting on his reputation among women, that he will sexually exploit women who make the mistake of trusting him.

The screenshot of his conversation with Supriya Sahoo who was looking for money, is also an indication of the lack of professionalism and attitude towards women. If a woman will not flirt with powerful men and sleep with them, these powerful men in the tech, internet sector will label them as “auntie” to taunt them that they are extremely unattractive . Mahesh Murthy was offering her “beer and more” if she came to his house, where “more” can be imagined. Another person has commented on a woman founder who made the mistake of meeting Mahesh Murthy at his home

In large indian companies, especially private, sexually harassment remains limited due to the negative publicity. However women business owners especially in the tech sector, face a lot of sexual harasssment, often for years. There are large companies also involved, with Google, Tata allegedly falsely claiming that the sex bribe giving girlfriends of top officials slim goan obc bhandari bsc sunaina, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, flirts goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, asmita patel and others own this website, when these women do not spend any money on the website expenses or do any work at all. The entire incident shows google’s tolerance of sexual exploitation of women.

Women entrepreneurs without a mentor face a lot of harassment, are unfairly defamed, are denied important information, yet if they try to get a mentor they are often sexually exploited. It is time that the sexual exploitation of women in the tech and internet sector are openly discussed, officials are named so that they do not exploit vulnerable women,and also ensure that women who leave secure jobs are aware of the business conditions in India. Today the domain investor finds that all her correspondence is diverted to the mediocre women impersonating her, because these women seduced powerful men.

If you are a woman entrepreneur, especially in the tech or internet sector who has faced any kind of sexual harassment, please send your story to The large indian websites, which are mainly male owned, may not be willing to carry the news, women publishers who have battled endless sexual harassment for years, will be happy to help.

Character assasination an integral part of google’s strategy to destroy competition

Though google claims to be a tech company, the strategies used are more similar to intelligence agencies which indulge in character assasination of link sellers who are competitors. A honest hardworking experienced engineer, domain investor and link seller finds that she is subjected to the most terrible slander campaign allegedly by google and their associates who are working in intelligence and security agencies.

For example the shameless fraud ntro official j srinivasan put the link seller under surveillance and then falsely claimed that all the work online was being done by his lazy greedy inexperienced google sponsored sex bribe giving girlfriend bsc sunaina to get her great powers, a R&AW job, when actually the lazy sunaina was not doing any work online at all, not investing any money online at all, and was least interested in doing so.

J srinivasan is an extremely powerful ntro official and most indian internet companies will blindly believe his complete lies. After duping people for more than 4 years that he lazy girlfriend sunaina was doing work, to get the goan obc bhandari fraud sunaina, a lucrative R&AW job with great powers, a monthly salary, the shameless fraud J srinivasan refuses to clarify that his darling goan slut sunaina never ever did any work online at all, she is a lazy inexperienced goan fraud.

Because the lazy goan obc bhandari fraud bsc sunaina was offering SEX bribes to extremely powerful tata, google, ntro and other government officials these cunning fraud government and other officials abused their powers, wasted tax payer money to spread false rumors that the lazy goan fraud sunaina who was actually sleeping, was working online, hardworking and a domain investor to justify the R&AW job that she got. These same cunning fraud officials at the same time defamed the real domain investor, that she was not doing anything at all as part of the google sponsored defamation campaign,

Goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, veena, asmita patel are some of the other google sponsored frauds who powerful intelligence and security agency officials are falsely claiming to be domain investors and paypal account holders,working online, when these fraud women do not spend any money online at all and are least interested in doing so.

Investing in domain names is expensive, time consuming and risky like any other business, why are security and intelligence agency officials in India allowed to falsely claim that their lazy fraud girlfriends own the domain names of another woman, who is being slandered. No male domain investors in India are facing a similar problem, why are security, intelligence agency officials openly discriminating against India’s female domain investor, abusing their powers, to spread false rumors that their lazy risk averse girlfriends own domain names.

Why dont these security, intelligence agency officials defame, exploit male Indian domain investors, why only the female domain investor is being targetted, is sexual harassment the main motivation, as officials can ogle at female domain investor . Some of male domain investors own more expensive and valuable domain names, no top intelligence or security agency official will falsely claim that the domain name belongs to someone else, to get the fraud a government job with salary and pension.

Just because the domain investor is a link seller, in panaji, goa the domain investor has been systematically defamed, cheated, exploited and tortured with top officials falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre friends and relatives own the business, domain names and paypal account of the domain investor, in their dishonest attempt to destroy her reputation .

Problems faced by wealthy individuals

The indian internet sector should be avoided by honest hardworking people to the extent possible, because the top officials in the indian internet sector are some of the greatest frauds in the world. These officials are also the most shameless liars and cheaters, with zero self respect, making completely fake allegations without any proof at all against harmless innocent hardworking individuals, especially domain investors and Paypal account holders.
The security and intelligence agencies will also steal the retirement savings of domain investors without a court order or legally valid reason and then cunningly, falsely claim that the stolen money belongs to their lazy greedy inexperienced cheater friends and relatives, to get all these frauds government jobs with fake resumes, investment. More details of the problems faced by wealthy individuals at Money Galore, the endless financial frauds of indian intelligence and security agencies.

Government officials allowed to waste tax payer money to stalk their harmless classmate

The recent penalty on a man for stalking his college classmate for 10+ years again highlighted the problem faced by female engineers who have studied in top colleges who find their cruel perverted selfish greedy classmates are stalking them for more than 6 years, wasting a huge amount of tax payer money in the process.

Single women engineers are the worst affected as these perverted cruel men at senior positions in intelligence and security agencies like NTRO, R&AW, CBI make false allegations without any proof at all and then sexually harass, torture her for years, falsely claiming that they are concerned about tax evasion, when actually they are looking for an excuse to ogle at their classmate who they hate, wasting a huge amount of tax payer money in the process .

None of the married female classmates of the harmless engineer are being monitored by intelligence or security agency officials in India , why is the single woman only being sexually harassed for years, and tortured using microwave weapons for more than 6 years. What is the name and designation of the government officials who have taken the decision to put the harmless single woman engineer under surveillance, what is the official reason being given

Not a single government official is questioned these perverted engineers holding important government jobs, why do they want to waste so many resources to stalk a harmless single woman engineer trying to earn a fair living who has no power. What will the indian government and specifically these government officials lose if they just leave her alone, without being monitored. Why can the engineer not identify the officials stalking and harassing her to end the daily sexual harassment, torture.

Google’s sponsored posts fraud in indian intelligence agencies

In the last few years, most bloggers have found it difficult to make any money online because most buyers of sponsored posts and reviews found that their website was penalized by google. In trying to maintain its monopoly on online advertising, google has been ruthless in destroying link sellers, making it extremely difficult to make any profit at all. Google says that all links on a blog should be given on the basis of merit alone.

However like all corporates google is actually is a shameless hypocrite , with shocking double standards as it is allegedly involved in a major impersonation fraud on india’s largest female domain investor and link seller, bribing powerful ntro and other officials to steal her impressive resume for their mediocre inexperienced fraud friends and relatives and get all these frauds lucrative government jobs with fake resumes, investment. As usual, the indian government, especially R&AW, NTRO, CBI are ignoring the fake resumes of the google sponsored fraud government employees, because the friends and relatives of these government employees are powerful.

The powerful fraud friends and relatives of the fraud indian government employee domain fraudsters are so happy that their mediocre inexperienced friends and relatives are getting a monthly salary for doing nothing because of the google sponsored impersonation fraud, that they are willing to abuse their great powers and waste expensive government equipment they have access to, to further the business interests of google, so that google will make billion dollar profits.

So google wants to destroy the life, health and finances of the link seller so that all advertisers use google adwords, and in panaji, goa the cruel criminal fraud friends and relatives of google sponsored fraud government employees are ruthlessly stalking the link seller and attacking her with microwave weapons causing great pain, ruining her health, making it impossible to do any work during the day, and also hacking her computer, internet connection .

As the largest internet company in India and elsewhere the shameless section 420 cheater google officials will abuse their powers to falsely claim that the well connected shameless lazy greedy cheater goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari sex queen bsc sunaina who has SEX with top tata, google, government officials d56, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, veena, ruchika, naina own domain names (including this one) and the associated paypal account so that these fraud government employees get a monthly salary for doing nothing at all.

In return, the fraud criminal relatives, friends and lovers of these google sponsored domain fraudster government employees will abuse their powers, waste tax payer money and expensive equipment to stalk and torture the harmless domain investor, link seller, google competitor and the salary the google sponsored domain fraudsters are getting is the monthly bribe being paid by google to at least 10 powerful intelligence and security agency officials, especially in goa, to defame, sexually harass, torture a harmless google competitor using hitech radiation weapons, causing great pain, blocking payment.

The domain investor would like to ask google, if google wants links on blogs to be given only on merit, why is google helping so many frauds like bengaluru shivalli brahmin fraud housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari slim jeans clad sex queen bsc sunaina who sleeps with top officials , gujju domain fraudster asmita patel, veena, ruchika, naina and other frauds get jobs or important posts in the indian internet sector with 100% FAKE RESUMES, INVESTMENT when these google sponsored frauds do not spend any money online or do any work online .

When in real life google does not care for merit in the internet sector, openly promotes and rewards lazy greedy mediocre frauds, cheater housewives, sex bribe queens and liars with government jobs why is it so critical of link sellers selling some links to cover their website expenses and link buyers advertising their product or service, openly discriminating against them .

Has google, ntro or nsa caused the decline of computer usage in India

Though the indian government is increasing the usage of computers, internet, for individuals, professionals and small business owners it appears that the usage of computers has declined. Part of the reason for the decline of computer usage appears to be google and more specifically nsa/ntro with their insistence on good looking slim attractive people only using the internet, their work ethic, competence, integrity does not matter. Mumbai is the commercial capital of india, and business technology usage trends in the city are usually followed elsewhere in India.

In bhandup ari* is one of most famous computer stores selling low cost computers and other gadgets for more than 8 years . Till a few years ago they made most of their money selling computers and related accessories like pen drives, external hard drives, memory cards. However in 2016, they appeared to be focussing on xeroxing reports for college students and there were almost no pen drives or accessories visible on the front display, instead they were promoting pens and other stationery items, indicating the current trend.

It appears that google, nsa/ntro have surpassed themselves in harassing small business owners who use computers for their business requirement with their endless lies, impersonation frauds. Most business owners are practical , they have spent a lot of time and effort in building their business from scratch and would rather retain control of their business, rather than comply with ntro’s unfair requirement that a young good looking lazy greedy person be made the ceo because someone in ntro, cbi, raw approves the young mediocre fraud

So now stationery shops are flourishing as small business owners again keep paper records. At saki naka junction, one of the busiest junctions in Mumbai a stationery shop had posters announcing account books and other stationery items, an indicator of the business volumes, and computer stores are becoming increasingly rare. Many laptop brands are no longer available in India, and laptop ads in newspapers and elsewhere are also rarely visible. Unlike white anglo saxon protestants in USA and european citizens, due to hereditary factors, most indian citizens are not fair, tall, good looking and open discrimination will not be tolerated.

So when ntro is targetting small business owners, stealing their digital data, impersonating them, they are killing the golden goose who laid golden eggs for them daily for short term gain as they will not purchase computers regularly in future.

Some Selfish greedy indian security, intelligence employees are extremely inconsiderate, like cruel robots

Most indian government employees get a pension when they retire and they do not require to save any money at all, as they will get a monthly pension even if they do not do any work at all to cover all their daily expenses, and the pension that they get will be fairly large. On the other hand, civilians do not get support in their old age and often have to continue working till their death or 80

However if a harmless brilliant single woman obc engineer, a civilian, will save some money for her old age because she has no support in her old age, some of these cruel animal like indian government employees, allegedly bribed by fraud companies like tata , google will make completely fake allegations that she is a security threat without any proof at all, to deny her fundamental rights, steal her retirement savings without a court order and criminally torture her using microwave weapons causing great pain, making it impossible to make any money at all.

Why are indian government employees in security and intelligence agencies, selfish greedy fraud robots that they do not realize and are not willing to accept the fact that a civilian will not get any pension in his or her old age and require all their savings, why label a person a security threat just because he or she has saved some money at 40. After 40, the opportunities are limited, health problems are more, making it difficult to make any money at all .

Additionally a business owner will often find that business conditions are changing and they may not get any payment or funds from their customers for a few months, till they adapt to the changing business conditions . If the business owner will be unwell, or have some medical problem, they will also require their hard earned money for the expenses. Yet the powerful greedy government officials not only want to steal the retirement savings of a harmless civilian without a court order, they also steal the resume, to deny opportunities and deny fundamental rights to earn a living.

Dlink modem records will prove the lies of shameless goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak

In the never ending fraud of shameless google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi officials , they are allegedly falsely claiming that the lazy greedy SHAMELESS goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak like other fraud R&AW government employees goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, obc bhandari sex bribe giver slim jeans clad bsc sunaina who has SEX with fraud top google, tata, ntro, government officials, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, who has never spent asingle rupee on domain names, is domain investor, owns websites and the associated paypal account to give the lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak great powers

Whenever the airtel connection is used by the real domain investor, the shameless section 420 cheater tata, google, riddhi’s fraud husband, fraud government employee vijay, ntro fraudster j srinivasan and other shameless liars will falsely claim that the lazy greedy FRAUD government employees riddhi nayak,obc sex queen sunaina are doing work online to justify the wastage of tax payer money paying these goan frauds a monthly salary. In reality these goan and other fraud government employee are either sleeping or doing housework, if the shameless fraud ntro officials have the honesty to monitor the fraud government employees making completely fake claims of owning websites, paypal account, doing work online.

For example on 21 April, 22 April 2016 , there is zero data transfer for airtel in goa using the dlink modem, though the shameless fraud CBI/RAW employees goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak,siddhi mandrekar, obc bhandari sex bribe queen slim jeans clad sunaina who has sex with top tata, google, raw, cbi, ntro, government officials, were in goa, clearly indicating that these shameless fraud indian government employees do no work online at all. These fraud government employees rely on shameless sex starved ntro, cbi, google, tata and other fraud government officials to make fake claims that these good looking frauds are doing work online to justify the wastage of tax payer money giving them great powers, paying them a salary.

Whenever the airtel connection is used, the fraud official puneet who has stolen the resume of his btech 1993 EE classmate for 5-7 fraud women, will use voice to skull technology to send the message to his classmate who has exploited, that the ntro fraudsters will falsely claim that the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraudster riddhi nayak is doing work online to justify the great powers the lazy goan fraud cbi employee has been given, including diverting the phone calls, smses of the real domain investor to the lazy greedy goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar

When will ntro and other government employees stop making fake claims that their lazy fraud friends, relatives, sex partners like riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, sunaina are doing work online, especially in goa, and stop defaming the real domain investor and paypal account holder
For how long do these powerful shameless fraud men want to make fake black money allegations without any proof to justify their endless exploitation?

Comparing opportunities for mediocre brahmin frauds and brilliant obc engineers in Goa

To cause losses to a brilliant harmless obc single woman engineer, domain investor the indian government is wasting more than Rs 1.1 crore annually for the last 6 years. On the other hand due to endless casteism, nepotism, corruption in intelligence and security agencies mediocre lazy greedy brahmin frauds and other fraud brahmin puppets not only are allowed to fake their resume, investment, they also get a monthly government salary as reward for their cheating lies.

Compare the many advantages that the lazy greedy mediocre goan gsb fraud government employees housewife riddhi nayak, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar have compared to the brilliant harmless obc single woman engineer who the shameless fraud relatives and friends of these brahmin fraud government employees are defaming
– fake references of an engineering degree, experience, investment
– insider information on the operation of the indian internet sector
– credit for work they do not do, money they do not spend
– insider information on intelligence, security agencies
– allowed to steal all the correspondence, leads and orders without being questioned
– fundamental right to privacy
– no memory reading, voice to skull, microwave torture used on brahmin frauds and fraud brahmin puppets
– fundamental right to earn a living
– can steal unlimited leads and orders, if they are able to complete them
– no blocking of payment without a legally valid reason
– their retirement savings will not be stolen without a court order.

If the obc single woman engineer had the opportunities which the goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar and other fraud government employees had, her business would be much bigger.

Not only does the obc engineer not have a level playing field , the shameless fraud indian government officials in NTRO and elsewhere are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud friends and relatives like india’s notorious online brahmin frauds goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak, who looks like kangana ranaut, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, goan obc bhandari sex queen slim jeans clad bsc sunaina who offers SEX BRIBES to top brahmin officials to falsely claim that she was their btech 1993 EE classmate d, obc fraud veena,domain fraudster asmita patel ruchika, naina,fair architect kalpana natar, own her business, when none of these fraud women are spending any money online or doing any work online, or controlling the business related bank account

At present the negative tactics of the indian intelligence, security agencies and corporates wasting Rs 1.1 crore to cause losses are a waste of money, time and resources and not productive in any way at all. If the lazy greedy brahmin and other frauds like sunaina, veena, asmita patel were willing to take the risk and do some work they could make far more money and contribute to the economy instead of wasting all their time for the last 6 years, trying to destroy the life of a harmless indian citizen.
However the shameless lazy greedy pampered fraud government employees do not want to any work online, take any risk of starting their own business investing their hard earned money, they rely on their shameless fraud relatives, friends and lover government officials like hathwar, kodancha, nayak, mandrekar, puneet, pritesh, vijay, j srinivasan to abuse their powers and continue to spread false rumors that they own the online business, Paypal account and domain names.

It is brutal and criminal how the indian government is wasting $18000 of tax payer monthly to ensure that a harmless obc single woman engineer does not earn any money and then falsely claiming that whatever little money she earns is because of the lazy greedy shameless brahmin fraud government employees riddhi nayak,siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, obc sex queen sunaina, asmita patel, veena, ruchika, naina and other frauds who are actually sleeping or looking after their house.
why are the indian government officials worse than nigerian fraudsters falsely claiming that their lazy greedy section 420 cheater employees are paypal account holders to waste money paying them a salary when the lies of the indian government can be easily proved

Why is there so much casteism and discrimination in India today that mediocre brahmin frauds and mediocre brahmin puppets have unlimited opportunities with fake resumes, while the indian government is wasting Rs 1,1 crore of indian tax payer money annually to ensure that a harmless honest hardworking brilliant single woman obc engineer does not get any of the opportunities she deserved

Only brilliant harmless OBC toppers in India targetted for non consensual memory reading, torture

Most of the top tata, google, R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials are brahmins and they are extremely ruthless, cruel and animal, without any humanity like in their endless atrocities on brilliant harmless obc toppers, especially engineers who have studied in top colleges on merit alone, to deny them the opportunities they deserved, destroy their life and steal their resume for lazy greedy friends and relative, obc puppets like slim goan obc bhandari sex bribe queen bsc sunaina who has endless sex with these shameless fraud brahmin and other officials.

These shameles fraud animal like government and other officials will make completely fake allegations without proof against the harmless brilliant obc engineer to defame, cheat, exploit and torture the harmless obc engineer for the rest of her life, Like all frauds, these officials do not have the courage or honesty to defend their complete lies and slander in an open debate, waste their time and tax payer money, making up fake stories, circulating videos, photos

The worst atrocity on the brilliant harmless obc toppers are the non consensual human experiments using wifi networks which are destroying their life, denying them the peace of mind. Memory reading is one cruel experiment being conducted and there are a number of government and other employees deployed to monitor all her thoughts, denying her the right to privacy or to take advantage of any new idea of hers, so that she can never make any profit. Anything that will make her a profit these officials who are reading her mind, will systematically sabotage. Additionally some of their associates like government employee goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar will also demand a bribe whenever she will be shopping.

Voice to skull technology is another latest technology which is being misused repeatedly for 6 years to harass, insult and humiliate the harmless obc engineer, cause confusion and anger. Some cunning officials in internet sector, like puneet,vijay have shamelessly misused the name of the engineer to get government jobs for their fraud friends, systematically denied her any kind of information and now use voice to skull technology trying to pretend to help her, when they are actually using it to maximize mental stress, cause business losses.

If the ntro records are checked, it will be noted that no brahmin engineer or professional is being targetted for the cruel memory reading experiment though most of them are involved in far greater frauds which can be easily proved, in an indication of the unending brahmin atrocities in India. Can ntro openly justify in an open debate why only the obc single woman engineer has been targetted for memory reading which is extremely unfair.
Will the ntro top officials state ‘
-. how much bribes are google, tata giving these officials to target the obc engineer
– whether the engineer is being targetted because her classmate like J srinivasan are ntro officials and hate her, want to destroy her, steal her resume, savings for the lazy greedy sex bribe giving, housewife and cheater friends like the slim goan obc bhandari sex bribe queen jeans clad bsc sunaina who has SEX with the shameless fraud brahmin and other top officials
– because she an obc and ntro wants to ensure that only brahmins and their mediocre puppets flourish in the tech sector