Google, tata far worse than Nirav Modi in their fraud on the indian tax payer getting R&AW/cbi jobs for prostitutes, frauds with fake resumes

The fraud of Nirav Modi is valued at Rs 11500 crore, and the government is likely to recover at least Rs 6000 crores from the attached assets , bank accounts of Nirav Modi and his associated companies.

However the fact that large tech sector companies like google, tata are involved in a far greater fraud on the indian government and tax payer than Nirav modi and his associates, as they shameless pamper, protect and get top R&AW/cbi jobs for world famous goan prostitutes, cheater housewives and other frauds with fake resumes, fake investment and fake online work, falsely claiming that all these frauds are experienced engineers from top colleges wasting Rs 100 crore annually or more.

The google, tata masterminded, sex, bribery, resume theft racket, financial fraud which started in 2010 is worse than the nirav modi fraud in wasting indian tax payer money in the following way
– paying salaries and pensions to mediocre inexperienced frauds with fake resumes
– the frauds with fake resumes, are unable to do quality work of the kind they should deliver based on the fake resume they falsely claim to have
– covering up the online fraud so that the media does not cover the news , duping people with their lies
– holding the experienced engineer a virtual prisoner, diverting and stealing her correspondence
– blocking payment and ensuring that the engineer has no work which will pay her
– wasting the experience, skills, time of an experienced trained engineer from a top college
– government employees deployed to cover up the fraud, monitor the victim
– expensive equipment for monitoring, harassing and torturing

These fraud indian internet companies do not wish to invest their own time and money in doing research on domain names, websites, purchasing the domain names, they only want small business owners to work like slaves for them for free for the rest of their lives, doing all the research, spending all the money, while google, tata and others enjoy all the benefits.
So these fraud companies like google,tata are bribing the fraud indian intelligence, security agencies, cbi to abuse their powers and make completely fake allegations without any kind of legally valid proof against the small business owner, hysterically repeat the allegations like parrots for 8 years, to put the small business owner under surveillance.
In addition to blocking leads, orders, payment, the surveillance is also being used to steal business secrets, for which the business owner has spent a lot of his or her time and money. Otherwise these fraud companies like google, tata would have to hire employees and also invest their own money in domain names, webhosting and other expenses. Employees of these companies would also not be motivated to work as hard as the small business owner , take any risk. The business owner is also subjected to memory reading as the fraud companies google, tata are ruthless in exploiting the hardworking business owner completely

So the modus operandi of google, tata is to supply sex workers, offer bribes to corrupt indian security agencies, cbi to make completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof against the google competitor, abusing their discretionary powers,
The google competitor, a small business owner is then put under surveillance, trying to find non existent proof, when the real reason is to steal business secrets, access research without spending any money and time
The surveillance is also used to falsely claim that the google, tata supplied goan sex workers, bribe givers are doing the work online, when it can be legally proved that tata’s sex workers and frauds never spent any time online at all,m so that the small business owner does not any credit and recognition for the time she is spending online.On the other hand google, tata’s favorite panaji prostitute bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina, like indore document robber R&AW employee veena has no experience or investment online, yet the google, tata employees who are the pimps for sex workers, frauds are promoting them as online experts, domain investors to get them a monthly salary, great powers, wasting indian tax payer money.

In fact google, tata’s favorite panaji prostitute bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc was openly boasting in panaji, that she was not doing work online, however because she was having regular SEX with some very powerful indian government employees, they were so happy with bhandari sunaina sex services, that they had promised that they would dupe everyone that the sex worker was an online expert, again wasting indian tax payer money.

So the indian government is wasting Rs 15-20 crores annually due to the google, tata masterminded online fraud, for more than 8 years on a single engineer, and this could increase in future for the next 20 or 30 years. Like the single woman engineer, there are other indian paypal account holders who are also subjected to a similar google, tata fraud. The indian tax payer is also paying for the sex services offered by the google, tata sponsored sex workers sunaina, siddhi to government employees, when actually the government employees should be paying for the sex services from their monthly salary

So the value of the fraud is likely to be Rs 6000 crores or more, which makes google, tata greater fraudsters that Nirav Modi, who cheated only for 6 years, unlike tata, google, who have continued the scam for 8 years, and are likely to continue for a longer period of time, as the cowardly indian media like times of india refuses to cover the google, tata, ntro sex, bribery racket , banking, financial, resume theft fraud.

NTRO,R&AW,CBI involved in major banking fraud on indian paypal account holders

The indian media is covering the PNB banking fraud of Rs 11500 crore extensively and gopal shetty, however it refuses to cover the news of the NTRO, R&AW, cbi, security agency banking fraud since 2010, as these government agencies are involved in a bigger banking fraud than gopal shetty, falsely claiming that google,tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, veena and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees own the paypal, bank account of a google competitor, a private citizen, to waste indian tax payer money, paying all these frauds a monthly indian government salary, defaming, cheating and exploiting the google competitor.

In 2018, there are 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex workers,cheater housewife, document robber and other fraud R&AW/cbi/indian intelligence employees who are falsely claiming to own the bank account of a google competitor which
– they did not open
– do not do any work to increase the balance
– cannot operate and are not the authorized signatory

However these google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees rely on their powerful fraud friends in indian intelligence and security agencies to abuse their powers, make fake allegations without proof against the google competitor and then falsely claiming to help , are falsely claiming to own the bank account of the google competitor denying her the income and opportunities she deserved

Now 8 years after the google,tata masterminded online fraud started in 2018, it is clear that the shameless fraud indian intelligence and security agencies like mandrekar, caro, nayak are making fake allegations against the google competitor without any legally valid proof, repeating their lies hysterically like parrots as part of the BARTER DEAL with google,tata which have got their lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume of the google competitor

Even NTRO Mumbai, agrees that the goan government, gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak, goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee extortionist riddhi nayak, sunaina, siddhi are online fraudsters, liars, because if the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak,(like sunaina, siddhi) a shameless cheater was actually paying for the websites, domain names, they would not have news of her financial fraud

Why are so many google, tata sponsored indian government employees falsely claiming to own the bank account of a private citizen with the help of fraud ntro,government employees, why are they not opening their own paypal, bank account which they legally control

NTRO, R&AW, CBI are involved in bigger banking fraud than PNB, gokul shetty since 2010 on indian paypal account holders

The indian media is covering the PNB banking fraud of Rs 11500 crore extensively and gokul shetty, however it refuses to cover the news of the NTRO, R&AW, cbi, security agency banking fraud since 2010, as these government agencies are involved in a bigger banking fraud than gopal shetty, falsely claiming that google,tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, veena and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees own the paypal, bank account of a google competitor, a private citizen, to waste indian tax payer money, paying all these frauds a monthly indian government salary, defaming, cheating and exploiting the google competitor.

In 2018, there are 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex workers,cheater housewife, document robber and other fraud R&AW/cbi/indian intelligence employees who are falsely claiming to own the bank account of a google competitor which
– they did not open
– do not do any work to increase the balance
– cannot operate and are not the authorized signatory

However these google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees rely on their powerful fraud friends in indian intelligence and security agencies to abuse their powers, make fake allegations without proof against the google competitor and then falsely claiming to help , are falsely claiming to own the bank account of the google competitor denying her the income and opportunities she deserved

Now 8 years after the google,tata masterminded online fraud started in 2018, it is clear that the shameless fraud indian intelligence and security agencies like mandrekar, caro, nayak are making fake allegations against the google competitor without any legally valid proof, repeating their lies hysterically like parrots as part of the BARTER DEAL with google,tata which have got their lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume of the google competitor

Even NTRO Mumbai, agrees that the goan government, gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak, goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee extortionist riddhi nayak, sunaina, siddhi are online fraudsters, liars, because if the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak,(like sunaina, siddhi) a shameless cheater was actually paying for the websites, domain names, they would not have news of her financial fraud

Why are so many google, tata sponsored indian government employees falsely claiming to own the bank account of a private citizen with the help of fraud ntro,government employees, why are they not opening their own paypal, bank account which they legally control

Permanent R&AW job for stealing your brilliant hardworking relatives documents, resume

On quora many people are asking how can a person join R&AW
On Linkedin R&AW is claiming that is employing experts in different fields,however few are aware of the fact that R&AW is also employing mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced fraud housewives if they steal the documents of their brilliant relatives and falsely claims that the mediocre fraud document robber has the impressive resume, investment of her victim, whose documents she has stolen
A world famous example is how in 2018, R&AW is paying a monthly salary to tata sponsored indore fraud bespectacled housewife veena who steals her relatives documents and looks like actress deepika padukone
It can be easily proved that google, tata sponsored indore fraud bespectacled housewife veena who steals her relatives documents and looks like actress deepika padukone is not an expert in any field at all, and does not own any domain name, including this one
She has nothing to do with the indian internet sector, has never invested any money online in domains, websites, has never done any work online and has never opened a paypal account in her life
Indore crook document robber veena’s greatest achievement is stealing the documents of her relative,india’s largest female domain investor , an experienced engineer and a google competitor who made the mistake of trusting her, and bribing fraud NTRO employees to make fake claims
So why is the indian government and R&AW pampering the google, tata sponsored indore fraud housewife veena who steals her relatives documents falsely claiming that the indore fraudster who has never invested any money online is an online expert, having the resume, investment of her relative who she cheated
How much bribes are top indian government, R&AW e employees getting from indore fraudster R&AW employee veena for falsely claiming that the indore crook housewife only looking after her house and family is an online expert

Google’s extremely cruel fraud in India on a link seller, competitor using the brahmin cheater ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan cost it Rs 136 crores

The cunning shameless fraud cruel shivalli brahmin ntro, cbi employees hathwar, kodancha , gsb frauds nayak, caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodan abused their discretionary powers to make completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof against a harmless google competitor, single woman bhandari engineer. Then the brahmin cheater ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, vijay, patel and others falsely claim that they are helping to get all the lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends of these fraud ntro, cbi, security agency employees like nayanshree hathwar, sunaina, ridddhi siddhi raw/cbi jobs with fake resume,fake investment , fake skills

The modus operandi of the ntro employees is similar to robbers who steal gold, cash from those withdrawing money from the bank, nigerian fraudsters they pretend to help the person, saying that there is some dirt on the clothes,or offer a gift and when the victim will give the gold, cash, they will disappear . However unlike the robbers who steal money, indian citizens cannot file a case against ntro, cbi employees who are involved in stealing savings, resume, correspondence

After 8 years it is now clear that shivalli brahmin, gsb fraud ntro, cbi, security agency employees are making fake allegations without any legally valid proof, and the google competitor does not require the fake help of the section 420 fraud ntro employees like the domlur crook puneet, j srinivasan and others, who are falsely giving their lazy greedy girlfriends, credit and a monthly salary for work they do not do,money they do not spend, while refusing to acknowledge the time and money spent by the google competitor

It is a very cruel fraud of google, asking fraud officials to make fake allegations without any legally valid proof against an innocent harmless citizen, stealing her savings, resume, correspondence and memory, trespassing into her house, without a legally valid reason, rewarding all those who cheated her with raw/cbi jobs,and refusing to acknowledge the time and money she is spending to make money online, falsely giving cheaters and sex workers, credit and a monthly government salary at the expense of the google competitor

In 2018, the google competitor is working like a slave and the fraud ntro employees are falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money online, are doing the work to waste indian tax payer money, paying all these frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor. Online in India, almost no one has the courage to say anything negative about google, only the link seller, google competitor launched a lonely battle and it will continue till she gets justice.

All facts like income tax returns were ignored in the ntro,raw,cbi fraud, and a huge amount of indian tax payer money is being wasted annually for 10 years, so google was penalized Rs 136 crores by the competition commission of india, CCI for using the services of freelancer ntro employees wasting tax payer money in the process .

How well connected brahmin and other frauds steal resumes of engineers to get top R&AW/cbi jobs

The cowardly mainstream indian media refuses to carry the news of how indian intelligence and security agency employees get lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs for their relatives, mistresses, girlfriends, paramours or other bribe givers like indore housewife document robber veena, with fake resumes, engineering degrees at the expense of the real engineer.
The case of bengaluru shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of a tata power special electronics division employee , 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi, karnataka who is getting a monthly R&AW salary for faking a btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of a single woman obc bhandari engineer is analyzed
– google, tata rewarded brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar for looting the google competitor, single woman engineer of Rs 1,1 lakh
– brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar seduced a powerful fraud brahmin ntro employee puneet, to steal the resume, investment, correspondence and memory of his btech 1993 ee classmate, the obc bhandari engineer, who he hated,making fake allegations without any proof
– the powerful fraud relatives and friends of brahmin cheater nayanshree like hathwar, kodancha, puneet, j srinivasan , were mainly involved in making fake allegations without any legally valid proof against the bhandari engineer to defame, cheat, exploit her, steal her resume
– the powerful fraud relatives and friends of brahmin cheater nayanshree like hathwar, kodancha, puneet, j srinivasan are holding important positions in indian intelligence and security agencies, steal the leads and orders of the bhandari single woman engineer, block her payment, so that she has no orders, no work, and no money to fight against them.
– the dishonest greed fraud bhandari leaders, officials especially in goa are lacking honesty, vision and do not have the courage and humanity to fight the shivalli brahmin , gsb frauds like caro, mandrekar, nayak who are making fake allegations without any proof at all, and are satisfied with the R&AW jobs for their lazy sex worker relative sunaina chodan, bribes from brahmin puppet R&AW employees like the indore document robber housewife veena, who stole the documents of her relative, the bhandari single woman engineer, for identity theft

Fake service tax , cheating ,allegations, fake help of NTRO employees to pamper their sex worker, cheater housewife and other lazy fraud girlfriends with R&AW/cbi jobs

The NTRO employees led by j srinivasan, puneet, parmar, patel, vijay are some of the greatest online fraudsters in the world, as they specialize in making completely fake allegations against a harmless hardworking google competitor and domain investor.
These crooked cunning ntro employees are aware of the fact that only the google competitor, domain investor is doing work online, spending her time as only she requires money for paying domain expenses, while their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, sunaina, siddhi mandrekar, veena, naina, , are relaxing and enjoying themselves.
however they are making completely fake service allegations against her, then falsely pretending to help her by falsely claiming that their lazy greedy google, tata sponsored cheater girlfriends, who do no work are doing the work, to justify the monthly raw/cbi salary that these lazy fraud women like goan sex worker sunaina chodan, naina, riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, veena, deepika, ruchika, asmita patel and others are getting without doing any work, without spending any time.
However these cunning shameless fraud ntro employees led by the cheater j srinivasan are forgetting the fact that service tax and GST has to be paid only for a person with revenues above Rs10 lakh, Rs20 lakh, so the google competitor never had to pay the service tax in the first place as she started providing services only after 2013 and her revenues are very low because of google, tata, ntro’s corporate espionage
Similarly for the cheating allegations , no legally valid proof has been provided by the ntro employees to the google competitor, indicating that ntro employees are making up fake stories only to defame the google competitor
This clearly proves NTRO employees are shameless liars and frauds making 100% FAKE cheating, service tax allegations without any legally valid proof against the google competitor, to defame, cheat, exploit and torture her for the rest of her life
It is time that google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi honestly admit that their google, tata sponsored employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are sex workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and frauds who have nothing to do with the indian internet sector, except having sex with, seducing or offering regular bribes to top indian intelligence and security agency employees connnected with the indian internet sector

Like all frauds, the ntro employees managed to cheat their victim, the google competitor for 8 years, now their complete lies and online fraud are exposed

Conflict of interest in having bribed officials for fraud detection for google competitor

NTRO, R&AW,cbi have flawed systems as officials who have been openly bribed by google, tata with jobs for their relatives, friends like riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree, veena,naina,sunaina with fake resumes, stolen from the google competitor, are given great powers and asked to prevent fraud for the google competitor.,

These BRIBED officials are then abusing their powers to block almost all payment, closing the account for, stealing leads, orders of the the google competitor causing great financial losses
If the officials had not been bribed, they would have allowed the payment to be processed, or order to be finalized, however as their lazy greedy fraud relatives are getting a monthly salary without doing any work, without spending any money, these officials are intentionally blocking payment or advertising, domain sales

In most government organizations, like the court, if the judge has any conflict of interest in any case, his relatives , friends are involved, he will recuse (excuse) himself from the case, and ask someone else to handle the case in an impartial manner. It is professional ethics to do so, and a judge who does not do so, will face professional censure. However NTRO, R&AW, cbi do not have similar systems in place for impartiality, and officials are allowed to deal with cases, where their relatives, friends and other bribe givers are the dt

In this case, it is clear that the lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives, friends of these intelligence and security agency officials are getting a monthly salary only for IMPERSONATING the google competitor, then why are these officials allowed to check fraud for the google competitor, After being bribed, these officials are blocking almost payment, orders of the google competitor, falsely claiming fraud, though everyone else is getting payment.

The revenues of the google competitor have great reduced in goa, mainly because of the BRIBERY DEAL of google, tata in goa as officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, pritesh, hathwar,kodancha, have been bribed with jobs for their relatives if they abuse their powers and block the payment, orders of the google competitor in every possible deal, lead and order. So in goa, the google competitor, finds that goan gsb fraud diploma holder R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar who is impersonating her to get a monthly raw salary. is blocking almost all her payment, orders as per the terms of the google,tata BRIBERY DEAL FOR RAW/cbi jobs


Here is awesome looking Tilak Nagar Escorts

In one of the greatest and most famous online sex, cheating, impersonation fraud of powerful ntro officials, allegedly bribed by google, tata, at least 8-9 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced cheater housewives, sex bribe givers, blackmailers and other frauds have got lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs only for falsely claiming to own this website and the associated Paypal account. These shameless section 420 fraud R&AW/CBI employees do not spend any money on the domain names including this one, or do any work online yet falsely claim that they own the websites where the details of their fraud will be documented.
The greatest frauds are the shameless goan gsb frauds housewife extortionist cbi employee riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, goan sex bribe giving R&AW employees fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, obc bhandari slut bsc sunaina, fraud brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar who did not answer JEE, get an engineering degree, yet rely on shameless section 420 fraud ntro officials like puneet, vijay, j srinivasan to steal the resume of their btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman obc engineer, for these lazy greedy fraud women

Any advertising on the website will reach the real domain investor, who is getting nothing, instead of the shameless fraud 420 cbi/R&AW employees who are making false claims of owning websites, when they do not want to spend any money online or do any work. Any help to end the impersonation,cheating fraud of these shameless fraud ntro/r&AW/Cbi employees will be appreciated. Send an email to

Arrogant powerful fraud NTRO employees refuse to acknowledge their mistake in overestimating sex workers, frauds

Before starting their identity theft attempt, the fraud NTRO employees led by brahmin domlur director puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, patel, vijay should have checked whether their lazy greedy sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud relatives and friends were willing to take the risk of investing money online, spending their time and money to register, manage, develop and sell domain names, websites

Instead in a clear case of incompetence, carelessness, lack of vision , the extremely arrogant NTRO employees greatly overestimated the google, tata supplied goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds like riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar,naina, sunaina chodan, nayanshree hathwar,veena they were infatuated with or related to , and wasted crores of indian tax payer money, resources trying to cover up their great fraud

In any private company, if a person makes a mistake like selecting the wrong person, he or she will be told about it and asked to correct it at the earliest to prevent wastage of more money, In some companies, a person making an expensive mistake will be asked to leave

However ntro employees have the license to waste infinite indian tax payer money due to poor leadership, management, so for more than 8 years, the fraud ntro employees continue to waste crores of indian tax payer money, trying to cover up their great online financial fraud, sex racket falsely claiming that google, tata supplied prostitutes, cheater housewives and other frauds who do not spend any money online, are online experts, domain investors