In 2016, it appears that compared to US, UK, India is extremely intolerant towards frugal people. In US, they appear to acknowledge the fact that a person has the right to do whatever he or she wishes with their hard earned money, and the comic character Uncle scrooge who hoards money is an indication of how tolerant american officials are.
In India if a person will make great sacrifices, leads a frugal life to save some money for his or her old age, the incompetent dishonest greedy security and intelligence agencies will label the frugal person as a security threat without any proof at all, to cheat, exploit, harass and defame the person for the rest of his or her life. After ogling at the innocent harmless person for more than 5 years, these greedy fraud officials cannot find any proof, yet refuse to admit their mistaketd
Indian intelligence and security agencies will waste a huge amount of indian tax payer money to steal the indentity, hard earned money, resume, of a frugal person for their mediocre lazy greedy friends and relatives, after defaming the frugal person without any proof at all, making up the most malicious stories. They will also spend a huge amount of tax payer money, resources to stalk, sexually harass and torture the frugal person for the rest of his or her life in India, causing great pain, hoping to steal the money.
So any person who is honest, hardworking, academically brilliant and frugal should consider leaving india to avoid the daily human right abuses, especially in panaji, goa