Powerful fraud NTRO employee puneet honeytrapped by wife of tata power electronics employee, gets her R&AW job with fake resume stealing classmates resume

In the book Unns by Sapan Saxena, the R&AW agent, Atharva Rathod is honeytrapped by his school classmate Meher Qasim repeatedly as he is in love with her and is jailed for his mistake.
In reality, R&AW, NTRO are extremely ineffecient and incompetent organizations, which are in denial and refuse to admit that their employees are honeytrapped by google, tata supplied goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds, stealing their classmates resume, savings, correspondence, wasting crores of indian tax payer money in the process.
In a real life variation of the story of Unns, a powerful fraud brahmin ntro employee puneet was honeytrapped by the good looking wife nayanshree hathwar of a tata power electronics employee, and gets a lucrative R&AW job, falsely claiming that the brahmin cheater nayanshree , 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi, karnatakar, had the impressive resume, investment of his btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman bhandari engineer who the fraud ntro employee puneet hated.
In the book, the R&AW agent is the victim of his classmate Meher Qasim, who he is infatuated with, in reality in India since 2010, the single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor is a victim of her classmate, powerful fraud NTRO employee puneet, who has stolen her resume, investment, correspondence and is held a virtual prisoner without a legally valid reason, only because puneet is infatuated with nayanshree hathwar

In real life despite complaining repeatedly the indian government refuses to take action against the NTRO employees who are wasting indian tax payer money to destroy the life, finances and health of their harmless engineering classmates, damaging the reputation of india in the process

Google, tata masterminded sleazy SEX, BRIBE, resume theft racket destroys the life of harmless hardworking indian paypal account holders

Many people including the government employees have said that only few people are using Paypal in India, The real reason is a major ntro fraud on the harmless hardworking indian paypal account holders, allegedly masterminded by google, tata since 2010, forcing the paypal user to work like a slave so that these companies can control top indian intelligence and security agency employees with job, SEX, MONEY BRIBES, acquire talent and technology cheaply without paying the market price

The fraud google, tata employees are ruthlessly exploiting the incompetence, dishonesty of the indian government, intelligence agencies have a rule that a woman is considered to be an online expert,domain investor and paypal account holder only to get a R&AW/cbi job if she is getting references (usually fake) from a fraud ntro employees who trading power for sex , money, job for his relatives, the woman may not have operated a computer in her life

The irrational dishonest indian government, R&AW, cbi refuse to consider bank details, income tax details as proof that a woman is making money online, investing money online, only the complet lies of the shameless SEX, money bribe taking liar fraud NTRO employees are considered by the fraud indian government for deciding who is the paypal account holder , domain investor

Intelligence and security agency employees were told to abuse their discretionary powers and falsely label the paypal user as a security threat without any proof , repeat the lies like parrots for years, wasting indian tax payer money
The paypal user was put under surveillance by the fraud ntro employees trying to find non existent proof
Then tata, google employees told the ntro employees like j srinivasan,puneet, parmar to abuse their powers and falsely claim that google, tata supplied sex workers, fraud housewives like indore document robber veena and other bribe givers were doing the work online, to get the sex workers, housewives and other frauds lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen resume of the paypal user. As these google, tata sponsored frauds were getting a monthly indian government salary without doing any work, without investing any money, they were able to bribe local officials to defame the real paypal user as an idle person with no money, and pamper, promote the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud who did no work online at all, as the online expert

The goa and panaji paypal fraud is a classic example of how the shameless fraud google, tata employees exploited the paypal user, who was put under surveillance to get 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored frauds lucrative raw/cbi jobs with the stolen resume,fake paypal account, while the real paypal user was held a virtual prisoner with all her correspondence diverted to the google, tata sponsored frauds
The ntro monitoring was used to block almost all payment, unless credit and a salary was given to the lazy greedy relatives, friends of the ntro employees like nayanshree hathwar,who are doing no work at all.
Leads and orders were repeatedly stolen by the ntro employees, so the paypal user was unable to get any work,
For ad networks also the ads are being cancelled repeatedly by the ntro employees freelancing for google, tata or the ad network is being threatened
Domain sales for indian paypal users are also blocked by google, tata, ntro, raw,cbi employees
The shameless goan gsb fraud mafia of mandrekar, caro, nayak, behaving like section 420 frauds falsely claimed that their lazy greedy risk averse relatives , friends like riddhi siddhi sunaina, veena , lazy frauds , owned the paypal account of the google competitor, to defame her

So despite working very hard, the indian paypal user was not making much money as they are not getting any order, and they are being defamed socially by the officials bribed by google, tata, like the goan gsb fraud mafia. If a paypal account holder will complain the ruthless shameless fraud cruel ntro employees like j srinivasan, parmar, patel will defame him or her as being mentally unsound to harass, exploit the person further. Effectively indian paypal account holders are forced to work as slaves, so that google, tata can supply sex workers to and get bribes for ntro,raw,cbi employees without spending any money .

After wasting crores of rupees putting the paypal user under surveillance the ntro,raw, cbi employees are not able to find any proof,however the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees like the indore document robber veena will retain her raw job falsely claiming to be an online expert,when veena is only a greedy fraud housewife who steals the documents of indian paypal users, her relatives with the help of google, tata. This shows that the indian government, R&AW,cbi is falsely claiming that those who cheat like nayanshree, veena, riddhi siddhi and other lazy frauds with no online income are online experts, when they have no online knowledge

So most of these hardworking and honest paypal users , who are young, are tired of working like slaves, are applying for a job where they do less work, and get paid more money, unlike working with paypal, where google, tata are blocking almost all their payment as part of the google, tata bribery, sex racket. As they get a monthly salary, they no longer use paypal, reducing the number of paypal account holders in India.
Till the google, tata, ntro fraud on indian paypal account holders ends , it will be difficult to make much money with paypal. Other indian paypal users on forums have also confirmed that they are being harassed. Proof will be provided on request/

Many indian paypal account holders have become victim of google, tata’s identity theft fraud

It appears that the powerful fraud google, tata employees involved in identity theft of indian paypal accoount holders have succeeded in stealing the identity of a large number of indian citizens for financial gain, to acquire talent and technology cheaply, and bribe top officials with sex, money and jobs for their relatives, friends
So the google, tata employees were extremely overconfident that their great online fraud would succeed, so a huge amount of indian tax payer money was wasted. It is a very unethical practice of google, tata to false promote lazy greedy goan sex workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and frauds as online experts, domain investors and get them R&AW/CBI jobs while the real domain investor is not getting anything.

The cowardly mainstream indian media does not have the courage to cover the news of the sex, money, job bribe racket operated by google, tata since 2010., so a large number of harmless citizens are finding their lives destroyed because of the greed, fraud of google, tata, ntro, cbi, raw.

When R&AW/NTRO employees nayanshree, ruchika, puneet refuse to reply to the google competitor why falsely claim to own her paypal,iwriter account

The google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees nayanshree hathwar, mba hr ruchika king, bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan and their sugar daddy ntro employee fraud powerful puneet do not want to communicate with the google competitor as they are all extremely arrogant, and status conscious,
Yet in a very great fraud, which no one appears to have noticed since 2010, they are greedily and falsely claiming to own her paypal,iwriter, bank account, resume of the google competitor who these government employees hate, to get a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the google competitor
The google competitor is only a harmless indian citizen who has not broken any law, why are google, tata sponsored frauds who defamed, cheated and exploited her, refused to reply allowed to get away with their lies and fraud of faking paypal, iwriter account ownership

Pampering of Goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan shows why Bahujan samaj leaders, officials in goa are not powerful

If the bahujan samaj, bhandari leaders, officials in goa were honest, had personal and professional integrity, they would have honestly admitted that google, tata supplied Goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, has got the R&AW job only for her sex services to brahmin and other officials and given her powers accordingly as she is no different from the sex workers periodically arrested by the goa police, only her clients are indian government employees.
Though google, tata supplied Goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc has no financial details, bank records and income tax returns to prove that she is working online, investing money online, has not studied engineering, not worked as engineer the bahujan samaj, bhandari leaders and officials in panaji, goa are extremely dishonest, greedy frauds taking money bribes from google, tata to dupe people, companies and countries that the goan SEX worker is an online expert, domain investor, owning websites where her sex news is regularly posted
The real bhandari single woman engineer, domain investor who is actually paying for the domain names, is not getting any help from the corrupt dishonest greedy bahujan samaj, bhandari leaders and officials who have been bribed by google, tata to abuse their powers and make fake claims. The GSB leaders and officials are aware of the fact that the bahujan, bhandari leaders and officials are dishonest, corrupt frauds and liars who have no personal and professional integrity, will shameless take bribes and lie.
This allows the GSB leaders and officials to blackmail, suppress the bhandari, bahujan samaj leaders in goa and ensure that they do not get much power and money

Government jobs are the most effective bribes, method to ensure loyalty

When politicians want to ensure that they have loyal voters in their constituency, they get the voters government jobs , often without taking any kind of money, as they will be assured of votes in future elections. One of the leading politicians in Goa, openly boasted that he wins elections repeatedly, because his voters are very loyal to him as he got many of the voters government jobs without taking any money.

Similarly when companies in the IT and internet sector like google, tata want to bribe top ntro, cbi, security agency employees to abuse their powers, make fake allegations against harmless innocent indian citizens, to increase the profit of these companies, they are getting their relatives, friends, R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with fake resume, fake investment and fake online work . The impressive resume of the harmless citizen being defamed without any proof at all is stolen by NTRO employees for the lazy fraud inexperienced mediocre relatives and friends of the top security agency ntro, cbi employees

The R&AW/CBI job bribes is a very lucrative and profitable racket for google and tata, as they do not have to spend any money of their own, out of their profits in bribes to the most powerful top intelligence and security agency employees in India, the job for the relatives and friends of top indian government employees with fake resume like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak is a permanent bribe, and the indian tax payer is paying the bribe on behalf of google, tata in a clear case of financial fraud, mismanagement of the indian government

Though the domain investor who is a resume theft victim has complained repeatedly, the indian government refuses to take any action against the ntro, raw, cbi employees involved in the financial, online fraud.

BRIBED by google, tata top fraud goan government employees involved in FINANCIAL FRAUD, defaming, cheating, exploiting harmless obc bhandari engineer

In goa it was reported in the media that though more than 400 companies had expressed interest in starting a business in goa, only 6 companies started a business in goa, because the shameless greedy fraud top goan intelligence and security agency employees allegedly bribed by google, tata are involved in one of the greatest FINANCIAL FRAUDS in india

For more than 7 years since 2010, the goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak, brahmin cheaters hathwar, kodancha, obc bhandari frauds pritesh chodnekar have viciously defamed without any legally valid proof, a harmless single woman obc bhandari engineer, google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, domain investor, and are now falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends have the impressive resume, investment of the obc bhandari engineer to get all their lazy fraud relatives and friends a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the obc bhandari engineer, google competitor

The obc bhandari single woman engineer has alone worked very hard for her savings, living away from her family, working long hours for her business and jobs, living a frugal life, yet the shameless top fraud goan intelligence and security agency employees allegedly bribed by google, tata refuse to acknowledge the time and effort of the obc bhandari single woman engineer, and are wasting indian tax payer money to defame her without any proof at all and dupe people that their lazy greedy inexperienced relatives and friends own the impressive resume, investment of the obc bhandari engineer

For example panaji’s top extortionist, goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut only wanted to get married when young, she was least interested in answering Jee, getting an engineering degree or working hard as an engineer to save some money. Now just because the obc bhandari single woman engineer has relocated to panaji, goa the shameless greedy lazy goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak , who does not know anything about engineering, is falsely claiming to have the impressive resume, investment of the obc bhandari single woman engineer who her powerful relatives and friends like caro, mandrekar, nayak have viciously defamed without any proof at all, and getting a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the obc bhandari engineer.

Most saraswat. (goud saraswat brahmins) in goa, and brahmins elsewhere are relatively wealthy, yet they are so ruthless in their atrocities on obc bhandaris in goa, that they cannot even tolerate a single obc bhandari engineer doing well, they shamelessly and falsely claim that lazy greedy goan gsb frauds like riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar who never answered JEE have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of the obc bhandari single woman engineer so that the goan gsb frauds get a monthly R&AW/CBI salary for FAKING their resume, investment.

The goan obc bhandari leaders and officials are equally responsible for the problems faced by obc bhandari, bahujan samaj in goa as they do not support meritorious obc bhandari professionals like the single woman obc bhandari engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree, instead supporting lazy greedy google, tata sponsored R&AW employees goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc and indore document robber housewife veena

Why should private citizens suffer for NTRO/R&AW/CBI employees mistake for the rest of their life

NTRO/R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence and security agency employees are getting a good monthly salary and pension after retirement, yet when they make mistakes that destroy the life of a private citizen, the private citizen is expected to tolerate the mistake quietly and is falsely labelled a security threat when he or she will protest.
For example a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor, google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai has been subjected to the following mistakes of R&AW/CBI/NTRO/indian intelligence, security agency employees without any proof
– falsely accused of money laundering without any proof
– falsely accused of black money without any proof
– falsely accused of being a security threat without any proof
– ntro employees reward everyone making fake allegations without proof, wasting her money, pretending to “help” why did they not ask for proof ?
– ntro employees refuse to provide any information of those accusing the google competitor, so that she can defend herself
– ntro employees decide to clone the google competitor, when their girlfriends, sex partners and relatives are extremely mediocre, lazy, risk averse frauds, only interested in having SEX, looking after their house, and enjoying themselves
– ntro employees steal the resume, memory, correspondence, savings of the google competitor without her permission or offering any kind of compensation
– ntro employees make fake claims about her assets, online business.
– ntro employees misuse her name when they are not connected to her in any way at all, refuse to leave her alone.
– identity theft fraud started in 2010, and ntro, raw, cbi employees refuse to admit their mistake and end the surveillance, denial of fundamental rights.

When indian citizens make a mistake they are penalized severely by the indian government, why are ntro, cbi, raw employees not punished or questioned when they are making so many mistakes and allowed to waste crores of rupees of indian tax payer money annually for more than 7 years since 2010.

After slandering to steal resume, retirement savings,correspondence, shameless fraud NTRO, CBI officials complain about defamation

The 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who did not answer JEE, faking a btech 1993 degree to get a monthly indian government salary only because the shameless section 420 fraud relatives, friends, lovers, google, tata employees were extremely vicious in slandering the domain investor, making up completely fake stories without any proof at all for 7 years since 2010. Just because google, tata, cbi employees were extremely vicious in slandering the harmless engineer, she was expected to agree to identity theft

If these shameless google, tata, ntro, cbi employees had not slandered, defamed, cheated, exploited and tortured the brilliant obc single woman engineer, repeating their lies like parrots owned by google,tata since 2010, wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money, the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud indian intelligence employees would have never got the job with their own mediocre resume, investment .

R&AW officially claims that it hires experts in different fields , can R&AW officially explain how the indian government claims that google, tata sponsored fraudwomen who have never invested a single paisa on domain names in their life, are considered to be domain investors by the indian government and wastes indian tax payer money paying them a monthly salary, When CBI employees goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, have never studied engineering or worked as engineers, on what basis is ntro, cbi, indian government falsely claiming that these women have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of a google competitor who had a better 1989 JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai

Now that the 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who did not answer JEE, faking a btech 1993 degree are regularly getting a monthly indian government salary GIFTED BY GOOGLE, TATA TO SEX WORKERS, FRAUDS to defame, exploit the real domain investor, the crooked ntro, cbi employees are lecturing about defamation as they do not want the news of their identity fraud to be published online. These ntro, cbi employees are refusing to admit their mistake, they are not even returning the hard earned money that has been stolen, and are expecting the engineer to tolerate the exploitation, keep quiet

If it is really defamation why does the indian government, NTRO, CBI not file a defamation case against the real domain investor and legally prove that she does not have a btech 1993 ee degree, and she is not the domain investor , that an indian government employee has her btech 1993 ee degree, and legally owns her domain names.

An open challenge to the NTRO, CBI, security agencies to review the facts of the case and determine who has really been slandered and who is faking degree, resume, investment and online work. If they have made a mistake, the victim should be compensated, otherwise the victim will complain with the facts, it is not defamation, it is news

R&AW, NTRO, cbi, google,tata, indian government involved in greatest PAYPAL FRAUD in the world

NTRO in 2017 is allegedly one of the most fraud government agencies in the world among the large democracies allegedly falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan SEX workers cheater housewives, blackmailers and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE have the impressive resume, investment and paypal account of a harmless small business owners, private citizen, google competitor with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai to waste indian tax payer money paying all these frauds a monthly indian government salary.
The section 420 fraud R&AW, NTRO, cbi, google,tata indian government employees are aware of the fact that the indore cheater obc bhandari R&AW employee housewife bespectacled veena , mother of a son, like the 10 other google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees including obc bhandari SEX worker sunaina chodan, does not have any paypal account, is only looking after her house and family, and has never invested any money online.
However because the indore crook veena has betrayed and stolen the documents of her relative, the google competitor who made the mistake of trusting her, the section 420 fraud R&AW, NTRO, cbi, google,tata indian government employees falsely claim that veena and other google, tata sponsored frauds own the paypal account of the google competitor
Financial, surveillance records will also prove that the google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees especially indore crook veena do not make any money through paypal, yet since the indian government is the greatest fraud in the world a huge amount of tax payer money has been wasted in the google, tata masterminded PAYPAL FRAUD which started in 2010.
Honest hardworking students from top colleges should be aware of the fact that the indian government is controlled by shameless ruthless greedy frauds, so that they can take a decision accordingly and leave the country at the earliest

Why are R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence agencies, indian government not honest that they hire google, tata sponsored SEX workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and frauds for their cheating, sex skills why falsely claim that these mediocre fraud indian government employees have the resume, investment and paypal account of a harmless google competitor, india’s largest female domain investor