Atrocities committed on indian women engineers by indian security and intelligence agencies

The media reported that only 8% of the students in IITs are women, however the cowardly and dishonest indian media refuses to report on the harsh reality of living in India, the endless atrocities, resume theft committed by the extremely corrupt fraud shameless indian security and intelligence agencies especially NTRO, CBI on women who have actually studied engineering and worked as engineers. Instead of forming committees under iit mandi director Timothy Gonsalves the indian government should look at why cruel corrupt indian government employee are allowed to waste infinite indian tax payer money to commit endless atrocities on a harmless single woman engineer since 2010

A harmless single woman obc engineer, a google competitor who had a better 1989 JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai is subjected to the following atrocities since 2010, by the fraud nTRO, cbi employees allegedly freelancing for google, tata
– complete malicious fake allegations without any proof at all
– theft of retirement savings by CBI, security agencies without a court order or legally valid reason
– theft of correspondence including email, sms, postal mail, phone calls
– resume theft for google, tata sponsored well connected goan sex workers like slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar cheater housewives, blackmailers and frauds, who got lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with fake resume, fake investment,fake online work, so that her male classmates can enjoy lifetime free sex, career promotion
– torture using radiation weapons causing memory loss, great pain, headache,
– memory reading without her permission and without offering any compensation since 2010, for extortion and causing great financial losses
– torture using voice to skull technology
– stalking, surveillance for more than 7 years, denying fundamental right to privacy
– organized stalking
– defamation wasting tax payer money, circulating videos and photos of a private citizen with no power , denying her the right to privacy

If the brilliant student had not answered JEE and studied in the same btech 1993 ee class as these cruel fraud greedy monster NTRO employees, she would not be subjected to these endless atrocities which almost no other indian citizen is subjected to. Slowly people are realizing that the indian government is only paying lip service to womens education, when the actual action shows that important indian government jobs are reserved for goan sex workers like slim goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan 2013 bsc who has SEX with top officials and other cheaters like indore housewife veena who steal documents of women engineers

IIT Mandi director Timothy Gonsalves should know about google, tata sponsored sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees faking btech 1993 ee degrees IIT

IIT Mandi director Timothy Gonsalves wishes to encourage girls who got a JEE rank to join IITs and a story was reported in the mainstream media.

However IIT Mandi director Timothy Gonsalves should realize that few girls are joining IITs because top indian government, CBI, NTRO, security and intelligence employees are openly involved in identity theft frauds on harmless women engineers, who actually join IITs and falsely claim that 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives, blackmailers and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE , have the resume, including btech 1993 ee degree, investment of a obc single woman engineer, domain investor and google competitor who had a better 1989 JEE rank than google ceo, sundar pichai.

In 2017, as many as 10 lazy greedy google,tata sponsored, R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE , are getting a monthly indian government salary for falsely claiming to have the resume, investment of the google competitor, a harmless single woman obc engineer, who has been viciously defamed by the corrupt security and intelligence agencies without any proof since 2010. The indian government is falsely claiming that various women like shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, goan obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa, indore housewife veena, asmita patel, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, 2013 diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, mba hr ruchika, asmita patel, and other well connected frauds have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume,

The fraud male btech 1993 ee classmates of the google competitor working in NTRO and other indian government agencies who hate the google competitor are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced fraud girlfriends have the impressive resume, investment of their female btech 1993 ee classmate, to get all their mediocre girlfriends lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary, while the google competitor is not getting anything. Financial proof can be provided that the google competitor who actually got a btech degree is not getting anything, while the indian government is rewarding all all those who cheated, betrayed and defamed her are getting lucrative indian intelligence jobs with salary for faking their resume, investment and online work.

The google competitor has written to almost all indian government agencies in a futile bid to get justice, however other than email from competition commission of India to be party to the case against google, no indian government agency has helped her. The online and financial fraud on the google competitor, who is india’s largest female domain investor, has become worldfamous on domain forums also , with investors worldwide agreeing that the indian government is openly involved in a financial fraud on the google competitor

When the indian government allows male engineers to shamelessly and openly steal the resume of their female btech 1993 ee classmate , why will a girl student study in an IIT spending 4 years of her life, far away from home, incurring expenses when she does not have the right to her resume, savings, her shameless male classmates are allowed to misuse and steal her name, resume , investment. Before IITs try to encourage more women to join IITs they should ask R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence agencies to be honest about the resumes of their mediocre lazy greedy sex worker, fraud employees like slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , stop falsely claiming that they have a btech degree

The cowardly dishonest mainstream media in India refuses to cover the news of identity theft fraud on women engineers , which is similar to that in the 2009 Aamir Khan starrer “3 Idiots”

Cruel greedy corrupt fraud indian intelligence and security agencies, NTRO ruthless in destroying life of google competitor

The Kashmir issue, farmers agitation is an indication of the cruel greedy corrupt fraud indian intelligence and security agencies, NTRO who are ruthless in destroying life of a harmless single google competitor committing the following atrocities since 2010, wasting indian tax payer money.
– making fake allegations like security threat, black money, without any proof
– torturing using radiation weapons , voice to skull technology
– theft of retirement savings without a court order
– memory theft, memory reading
– resume theft
– correspondence theft
– surveillance, denied privacy
– blocking payment
– stealing leads and orders
– rewarding all those who cheat, harass, defame, the engineer, google competitor with government jobs
– refusing to take action against cheaters , despite complaining to police
– suspending webhosting
– blocking internet connection
– hacking laptop, computer, smartphone
– not allowed to complain about atrocities, get justice
– denied fundamental right to earn fair living
– falsely claiming goan sex workers, frauds own the investment of engineer, google competitor
– subjected to organized stalking

There are very few harmless indian citizens who are subjected to so many atrocities by the indian government wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money since 2010

Innocent harmless engineers defamed to steal their resume, memory and savings

In a major identity theft fraud masterminded allegedly by google, tata, innocent harmless engineers are being defamed without any proof at all since 2010, wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money to steal their resume, memory and savings, without a legally valid reason. The stolen memory, savings and resume of the experienced engineer from a top college is then attributed to the lazy greedy mediocre, relatives, friends and sex partners of top intelligence, security, NTRO, CBI employees who were mainly involved in slandering the experienced engineer for 7 years since 2010,
With the stolen resume, memory, correspondence of the experienced engineer, google competitor, the lazy greedy mediocre, relatives, friends and sex partners get lucrative R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs with great powers and monthly government salary
It is now clear that the CBI, NTRO, intelligence and security agency employees were making fake allegations without any proof at all, allegedly bribed by google, tata , however the savings of the engineer have not been returned, the memory reading, surveillance continues till date allowing the officials to extort money, exploit the domain investor and engineer

Nepotism, dishonesty in security agencies make india vulnerable to attack

It is a well known fact that google, tata sponsored bengaluru shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar only has a BBM, almost no work experience, and is only looking after her family and house. However the fact that R&AW is paying her a monthly salary, falsely claiming that she has the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of a harmless obc single woman engineer she cheated, owns the paypal account, and is working online, is an indication of the rampant nepotism in the security agencies, CBI which is making india vulnerable to attack.
Like the rich rancho in the Aamir Khan movie “3 Idiots” who stole the degree of his servant, the brahmin housewife nayanshree has got her R&AW job due to identity theft, as her powerful relatives and friends in security agencies, CBI have shamelessly abused their powers to make fake allegations without any proof at all, against a harmless vulnerable single woman engineer to steal her resume including btech 1993 ee degree for their mediocre lazy greedy relative nayanshree , to get her a lucrative R&AW job. Now to ensure that the fraud is not exposed, nayanshree’s relatives and friends are wasting a lot of resources , indian tax payer money to stalk and torture the harmless single woman engineer, instead of real security threats in areas like Kashmir, central india ,north east
The looting of the banks in Jammu & Kashmir, terrorist attacks, are a clear indication of the worsening conditions yet the security agencies too busy getting a salary for their undeserving relatives and friends to be bothered. After all freelancing for google, tata is far more lucrative for security agencies as their relatives, friends get a monthly indian government salary for doing nothing, compared to doing anything about the kashmir and other real problems, which is part of the official duties of these government employees
There are other similar google, tata sponsored frauds like goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar , slim obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodnekar, cbi employee eighth standard pass naina, gujju domain fraudster asmita patel, indore housewife veena, blackmailer ruchika. Just receiving a small amount from foreign customers for work done, does not make an indian citizen a security threat , the security agencies refuse to acknowledge the fact.

Central government employees openly involved in identity theft of JEE toppers in India

As Times of India covered the news of the IIT JEE 2017 mains toopers Kalpit Veerwal, Vrinda Rathi, (all India toppers) Pratheek Rebello, Aditya Kunkoliekar, Ameya Kulkarni ( Goa) , these JEE toppers and their family should be aware of the fact that top ntro, cbi, R&AW, indian intelligence security agency employees are openly involved in the identity theft of vulnerable JEE toppers, defaming them without proof, stealing their retirement savings without a court order or legally valid reason, blocking payment, stealing correspondence and wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money to deny them the fundamental right to earn a fair living.

In fact the identity theft fraud by the powerful fraud central government employees is worse than the Aamir Khan movie “3 Idiots” where a poor servant who studies in a top engineering college, gives up his engineering degree to the rich Rancho and starts life anew. The rich Rancho was too mediocre and lazy to get his own engineering degree, however because he was wealthy he managed to force his servant to give up his prestigious degree. The identity theft deal in the movie was agreed between private citizens, however a huge amount of tax payer money has been wasted since 2010 for the identity theft of the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper , to force her to give up her impressive resume, investment to the relatives, friends of top indian government employees.

The powerful indian intelligence and security agency employees who are involved in the identity theft are making fake allegations without any proof at all against the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper , and then stealing her resume for their mediocre lazy fraud girlfriends, relatives and sex partners, to get all these mediocre fraud women lucrative indian intelligence jobs with monthly salary. These google, tata promoted fraud indian intelligence employees were too lazy and mediocre to answer JEE and get their own btech 1993 ee degree, work as an engineer, rely on their friends and relatives to abuse their power and get them a btech 1993 ee degree overnight

In the movie 3 Idiots, only the degree of the servant is stolen by the rich Rancho, however in the indian government identity theft of the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper, in addition to the btech 1993 ee degree, the retirement savings of twenty years, memory, correspondence of the engineer have been stolen by central government employees. Additionally the corrupt NTRO, CBI, R&AW, security agency employees freelancing for google, tata , falsely claiming that their goan SEX partners, relatives and friends , lazy greedy frauds are doing work online, investing

In the google, tata masterminded identity theft of the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper, india’s largest female domain investor, an experienced engineer and google competitor which started in 2010, allegedly as many as 10 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced google, tata sponsored goan sex workers sunaina, siddhi mandrekar, cheater housewives like brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, naina, indore housewife veena, asmita patel, blackmailers and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE are falsely claiming to have the btech 1993 ee degree, JEE rank of the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper, to get a monthly indian government salary

It is an extremely brazen identity theft fraud of NTRO, CBI, as they falsely claim that the google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees especially slim goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sex worker worker sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc recruited for sex is a domain investor, owning websites including this one, though none of these google, tata sponsored mediocre lazy frauds women are investing any money onlne or doing any work online which can be easily proved using surveillance. Eighth standard pass gujju CBI employee housewife naina, mother of two sons has never operated a computer in her life, yet NTRO, CBI, R&AW falsely claim that she is an online expert , because a powerful NTRO employee parmar is infatuated with the school dropout naina .

Financial records, income tax returns will also prove that the google, tata sponsored indian intelligence employees have never invested any money online on domain names or done any work online , yet the indian government officially continues to ignore the great financial, identity theft fraud which started in 2010, wasting indian tax payer money. Some of these google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees like goan SEX workers sunaina, siddhi were not even born in 1989 yet the shameless NTRO, CBI, R&AW, security agency employees falsely claim that the sex worker R&AW employees have the resume, investment of the 1989 JEE womans west zone topper

To ensure that the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper does not have funds to fight the identity theft fraud, her retirement savings of 20 years have been stolen by the security agencies, cbi and other central government employees without a court order or legally valid reason, and other documents , correspondence are also stolen to help the google, tata sponsored frauds in impersonation. Intelligence and security agencies regularly break into any place where she is living, to steal documents, and any other asset of value . She is also subjected to non consensual human experimentation, brutally tortured with radiation weapons to cause memory loss, insomnia , great pain

Though a harmless private citizen, the powerful fraud indian intelligence, security agency, central government employees freelancing for google, tata continue to make fake allegations, though they have been able to find any proof at all after putting the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper under surveillance for 7 years, sexually harassing her, denying her the right to privacy and to earn a fair living, ruining her reputation. Though the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper has written to almost all ministries like womens and child welfare, filed RTI requests, she has got no help at all indicating a very high level identity theft fraud.

The indian government is currently trying to end triple talaq by muslims, however the identity theft of the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper by NTRO, CBI, R&AW, security agency employees is far more brutal and unfair to the experienced single woman engineer, compared to talaq Local politicians have indicated that there is little they can do to end the identity theft fraud on the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper , powerful central government employees who cannot be identified or held accountable are involved.

Proof of the theft of retirement savings of the 1989 JEE west zone womans topper can be provided to any person who wishes to verify the information. The 1989 JEE west zone womans topper has contacted almost all media outlets including times of india, however in a clear indication of the high level fraud in CBI, NTRO, R&AW. indian intelligence and security agencies, their employees have misled almost all media outlets in India, so the cowardly dishonest indian media refuses to cover news of the identity theft.

The indian government falsely claims that the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employee bespectacled indore housewife veena, mother of a son (and the other indore fraudster R&AW employee deepika) , who did not answer JEE was the female 1989 JEE west zone topper because indore fraudster veena and her husband bribed the fraud ntro,cbi employees to abuse their powers,make fake claims and also help google destroy the life, finances of a competitor, the female 1989 JEE west zone topper. In fact the 2017 IIT JEE mains topper Vrinda Rathi is strikingly similar in appearance to these indore fraudster R&AW employees bespectacled veena and deepika indicating that some powerful top indian government employees were involved in the identity theft fraud.

Some of the other the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees falsely claiming to be the female 1989 JEE west zone topper like slim obc bhandari SEX worker sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc and goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar were not even born in 1989, and bone ossification tests will prove their real age.

Can the indian government, CBI and more specifically NTRO, national TECHNICAL RESEARCH organization, technically and scientifically explain how a R&AW employee could answer JEE in 1989 when she was not even born or conceived or was less than 5 years old . Unlike african countries like Tanzania, which have the courage to remove government employees with fake resumes, the indian government refuses to take any action, though victims of resume theft are very upset, and a huge amount of indian tax payer money is being wasted.

Actor Vinod Khanna’s death, Rishi Kapoor, and mannerless, ungrateful Indian society

The media reported that the actor Rishi Kapoor had commented on twitter that almost no actor from the younger generation had attended the funeral of the late actor Vinod Khanna, though many of them had worked with him. It reflects the value system of indian society, especially the younger generation, who treat people and their relationship as a disposable commodity , to be used to the maximum extent possible and then discard them. Unlike other celebrities like Mahesh Bhatt, the children of Vinod Khanna are not very high profile actors or celebrities in 2017, which is the likely reason why the younger generation of actors ignored the funeral, while older actors like Amitabh Bacchan attended the funeral.

The attitude of the younger generation of bollywood actors, most of whom are well connected, is similar to the 10 google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who did not answer JEE, yet are faking a btech 1993 ee degree to get a monthly indian government salary, in a case of identity theft similar to the Aamir Khan starrer ‘3 Idiots” . For example the google, tata sponsored R&AW employees mba hr ruchika and bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar both received a fairly large amount of money from a domain investor, experienced woman engineer, in 2011-2012 .

However after pocketing the hard earned money of the single woman engineer who they are impersonating to get a monthly R&AW salary, both R&AW employees haryana mba hr ruchika and brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar have refused to reply to the engineer who paid them and whose resume they have stolen to get a monthly indian government salary. In fact, like the younger generation of actors , the google, tata sponsored arrogant pampered R&AW employee blackmailer ruchika told her friends to ignore the engineer, because she was overconfident that she and her associates had destroyed the life of the enngineer.

The goan fraud R&AW/CBI employees obc bhandari slut sunaina. gsb frauds diploma holder siddhi, housewife riddhi nayak are even worse, stealing all the correspondence of the engineer, domain investor who they are impersonating in panaji,goa to operate a lucrative extortion racket .After exploiting and cheating the domain investor, google competitor to the maximum extent possible, now these google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees, their relatives and friends in NTRO,CBI who helped them in identity theft, like puneet j, j srinivasan, vijay, patel, parmar are refusing to acknowledge the fraud that they have committed and compensate their victim for the financial and other losses.

However R&AW, CBI, security agencies consider these ungrateful inhuman fraud women to be role models, giving them great powers at the expense of well mannered kind honest indian citizens, who are unfairly labelled as animals, mercilessly tortured. It is an indication of the quality of CBI, NTRO, security agency employees recruited by the indian government that they consider arrogant, greedy selfish lazy frauds like ruchika, nayanshree, riddhi siddhi, sunaina, naina to be role models , giving these mediocre frauds credit for work they do not do, money they do not spend, and great powers and monthly indian government salary.

So when Rishi Kapoor commented that most of actors had come to Priyanka Chopra’s party the previous night, yet could not attend the funeral of a reputed actor like Vinod Khanna, it represented the widespread rot in indian society, the lack of humanity, courtesy, manners, honesty especially in those who are below 35 years in age.

Google, tata file fake cases against google competitor and committ 3 idiots type identity theft fraud

The cowardly indian media only focusses on extremely trivial issues and refuses to cover the fact that the sundar pichai led google, tata are filing fake cases against harmless innocent indian women domain investors to commit ‘3 idiots’ movie type identity theft frauds on them, stealing their resume, savings to force them to agree to give up their resume, investment to the relatives and friends of top indian intelligence and security agency officials. The cunning fraud google, tata employees did everything possible to cause financial losses, denying information, having hackers hack the laptop, to frame the domain investor and having blackmailers and extortionists file fake cases against the domain investor without any proof.
These cunning google, tata employees are aware of the fact that a person who has no money is far easier to manipulate and force to agree to identity theft, so they had the security agency employees led by nayak make fake allegations without any proof hysterically for 7 years since 2010.
The fake cases were used by the shameless cunning ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan, vijay, parmar, patel and others to justify the identity theft. Now that the resume theft has been completed and 10 google, tata sponsored frauds are getting a monthly government salary with their fake resumes, now the engineer finds that there are no fake cases filed against her as identity theft was the main motivation for the slander campaign.
The officials who filed fake cases, were confident that the domain investor could be bullied into agreeing to identity theft, so they are using voice to skull technology to taunt her that she is only interested in money. However the domain investor and experienced engineer finds that there is no reason why she should make sacrifices just because some cunning fraud powerful officials and their crooked associates made completely fake allegations without any proof at all for 7 years since 2010 to force her to officially agree to identity theft.
Though the indian government officially and falsely claims that 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar and other fraud indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE, have the btech 1993 ee degree of the obc single woman engineer, the indian government will never be able to publicly officially declare the fake resume of its employees

Like Rancho in 3 Idiots, fraud NTRO employees think that they are doing obc domain investor great favor allowing her to work online

In the movie 3 idiots, the rich family thought that they did a great favor to the poor servant when they allowed the servant who like learning to study at the top engineering college, provided he would give up his degree/qualification to the rich real rancho after getting his degree.
In a clear case of life imitating art, the powerful family, relatives and friends of the lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored frauds especially brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak/siddhi mandrekar , obc bhandari slut sunaina, asmita patel and others are behaving as though they are doing the domain investor a great favor by allowing her to work online, for which she should make great sacrifices.
Male domain investors are not harassed in a similar manner, only single female domain investors are ruthlessly tortured, exploited wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money in the process.
The fraud ntro, cbi employees think that they have the right to steal the resume of any person, especially a woman who is working or investing money online, in a clear case of corruption and abuse of power
However unlike the 3 idiots case, where the poor servant had agreed to give up his resume, the resume theft decision of ntro, cbi employees is a unilateral decision, the domain investor has never agreed to it. The relatives and friends of nayanshree, riddhi , siddhi are government employees with a monthly salary, it is their duty to ensure that all indian citizens working online get the same level of support, stealing resumes of domain investors for their relatives, friends is not a perk which the indian government has officially agreed to

Pakistani army following the footsteps of indian intelligence and security agencies in making up false stories

The indian media is surprised at the fake charges without evidence made by the Pakistani army against Kulbushan Jadhav, however they fail to realize that the Pakistani army is only following the footsteps of the world famous indian intelligence and security agencies in making up completely fake stories without any proof at all to defame harmless innocent indian citizens and others , and promoting sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds as online experts, domain investors
For example since 2010 , the notorious indian intelligence and security agencies ,allegedly freelancing for google, tata have been making the following completely fake allegations without any proof at all against a harmless google competitor , single woman engineer
– being a security threat when the engineer does not interact with many people
– having black money
– involved in money laundering
– child abuse
– hacking websites
– sending spam, phishing emails
– cheating people
Despite putting the engineer under surveillance for more than 7 years since 2010 , the incompetent dishonest fraud indian intelligence and security agencies are unable to find any proof for any of these allegations against the harmless engineer, however they have stolen the retirement savings, resume and correspondence of the engineer without a court order or legally valid reason, denied the engineer the opportunities and income she deserved.
Additionally ntro employees have stolen the impressive resume of the experienced engineer for 10 lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees who never answered JEE like slim westernized goan obc bhandari SEX WORKER, call girl RAW EMPLOYEE sunaina chodnekar, 2013 bsc who has SEX with top NTRO, CBI, security agency officials, eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina mother of two sons, goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak siddhi mandrekar, bespectacled indore housewife veena,fair and lovely deepika, shivalli brahmin fraud housewife nayanshree hathwar,asmita patel, karnal mba hr ruchika and others to give all these frauds a monthly indian government salary
The indian intelligence and security agencies are again making up fake stories about these google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees , that they are
– having a btech 1993 ee degree, when some of them were not born in 1989 to answer JEE, and all have never answered JEE
– worked as engineers
– have a paypal account, when none of them have linked paypal account with their PAN number
– are domain investors when none of them invested any money in domain names
– are online experts when some of them have never operated a computer and have never made any money online
– have a ebay account, when none of them had an ebay account
– mutual fund investors, when they mostly do not have any income to invest in mutual funds

Now when the pakistani army is making fake allegations , the indian media is asking for evidence, yet when harmless indian citizens find that their life is destroyed, their retirement savings stolen without a court order or legally valid reason by cbi, security agencies on the basis of fake allegations, the indian government does not check the evidence and has been wasting tax payer money since 2010 only on the basis of fake allegations without any proof.
When a democracy like India is treating its harmless citizens worse than criminals only on the basis of fake allegations since 2010, why is it so surprised when a hostile foreign country is passing the death sentence on indian citizens after making fake allegations . In fact india should ask all indian citizens in pakistan to immediately leave the country because they may all be labelled R&AW agents and sentenced by the military court creating a major headache for the ministry of external affairs in India
Make fake allegations and claims without any proof or evidence has become a tradition in south asia resulting in widespread poverty and mediocrity in the region, where no country won a gold medal in the Rio Olympics